I love being an adult

in HiveGhana26 days ago

According to the popular slang over here “Adulthood na scam”, meaning that adulthood is a scam. This slang was formed as a result of children dreaming of attaining adulthood all their lives only for them to become adults and the adulthood they are presented with is far different from what they envisaged.


The road to adulthood and adulthood itself might not be all rosy however there are things you can enjoy as an adult.
The advantages of being an adult ranges from having freedom, going out to wherever you want to without restrictions, choosing to sleepover at your friend’s house without permission, no curfews, no scolding from parents, enjoying your favorite TV shows without any supervision or interruption and the list is endless.

What are the hidden gems in the often-dreaded landscape of adulthood you have discovered?

The downside of being an adult is the responsibilities that come with the new level you unlocked, the responsibilities you can not shy away from, and the life decisions you have to make. It also comes with paying your bills, facing life's hurdles alone, disciplining yourself, etc.

Looking at only the downside of adulthood, one cannot help but want to become a child again but regardless adulthood has its own perks.


It is ironic to know that as a child you had always wanted to be an adult in no time, behave like an adult, and try new things like an adult, as an adult you want to go back to being a baby because the responsibilities and bills keep choking and stressing you out hence you want to be “babied” and you crave for the easy way out.

When I was a little girl I had so many things in my head that I wanted to do. I had always wanted to have my own space as my room was usually invaded by my parents and siblings and in my parent's defense it was their house and so, therefore, they were free to enter wherever and whenever they sure pleased and it was so annoying. Don’t get me started with them arranging and re-arranging your stuff in your absence all in the name of them wanting the best for you and not to talk of my siblings using my stuff without permission but now that I am an adult the story is different.

Also, as an adult, I am not bound by my parent's rules anymore, the “my house, my rules”, do not work on me anymore because I am not in their house 😂😂but mind you if my dad is ready for you he’ll forget the house you are in😂


I love the fact that I am not cajoled to run some errands for my parents, such errands that on a good day I wouldn’t want to run. I love the fact that I am not forced to go to certain parties or occasions with my parents, I have the liberty to go wherever I want to without any form of restrictions from my parents.

I love that at this point in my life, I am free to eat whatever I want to eat and not what my parents or the food timetable at home says. I now have the money to afford whatever food I want to eat and I can do this without batting an eyelash and in all honesty it’s REFRESHING!!

All these and many more are things I hoped would change when I became an adult and did they change when I became an adult? Absolutely yes they did, am I happy? Totally! Now I have my own space, no parent or sibling invasion but I guess that might change when I get married and have kids as those little ones will definitely invade my privacy but for now, I’m living the life🥰🥰 I now have the freedom to eat and do whatever I want to do and I am loving it!

In conclusion, I know there are times I just want to be a child again, and there are times when I want my family to help fix my mess or make certain decisions for me but overall I love the fact that I have gotten to a point in my life where I can be responsible for myself and actions and there’s no greater feeling like that🥰

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰


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Adulthood na scam, well you wrote like a philosopher and did not fail to capture the two sides.
Me sha want to go back to like age 5 with the sense wey I get now, hehe

Wait o, she na ur picture b dat there, omo see fine babe, afar na, u sure say I no wan toast u like dis 🙄🤪

I swear, you seem to have channeled every feeling I had when I first moved out from home. The fear as well as excitement of striking out on your own into a "Brave New World" and all the ups and downs involved with that were never far from my mind.

I remember when I was 17. I wanted to remain at that age, as on a cruise ship, I'd qualify under "women and children first" if the ship was sinking and we had to head for the lifeboats. At that age I was old enough to "get" how the world works, yet young enough to avoid the responsibility that turning 18 entailed.

But here we are living at adults, but no matter how old we get, we'll still be our parents beloved child. :)

But here we are living at adults, but no matter how old we get, we'll still be our parents beloved child. :)

Yes friend we will still be our parents beloved children regardless of our age and we will forever cherish all the memories we have of time😊

There is so much freedom that comes with being an adult but it is only when some adults face certain responsibilities they begin to wish the childhood years could come back.

We have that in common then!
My parents also used to say it’s their house and can do whatever they wanted to do
And I would just be boiling so much ahhhh

Lol very annoying😂😂

I guess every child had that dream of wanting to suddenly become an adult😄

And that part of your dad, can you tell me more??....lol


And that part of your dad, can you tell me more??....lol

You sure don't want to hear it😂😂

I wouldn't have asked if i didn't want to🤣🤣🤣

Amazing write up. I could relate to every single point here.
I'm happy you're out of your parents' house now and have the freedom that you do.

At first I didn't fully understand why young adults wanted to move out of their parents' houses, I loved my house. But in the past few years of being that young adult, I absolutely understand and completely agree. It is very important that strike out and discover our own oaths. I can't wait to move out too.

I enjoyed reading this!

Being an adult feels good.

The painful aspect of adulthood is the fact that there's nothing like free food anymore.

It’s lovely and sore tale being an adult. More lovely than sore though.