Few of my philosophy on life

in HiveGhana20 days ago

Good Day, everyone, i have been trying to keep up with posting articles everyday throughout this week and it's not easy to be honest. Now i do appreciate those that come up with articles to write everyday. You all are awesome and you all deserve to be celebrated.

Basically, this write up, I will be sharing some of my few philosophies on life and i always put them at the back of my hand and i basically live my life with these philosophy.


Whatever you do in this life, no matter how little it is, good or bad, or it doesn't have any impact, someone is watching you and doesn't like what you're doing, even though it doesn't concern them. They have this hatred that builds up from nothing they decide to have it for you for no apparent reason. So don't be surprised when you hear about someone hating on you because you're living the way you should.


There is a popular quote that "what an elderly person can see while sitting, we the younger ones can't see it". I grew up this quote and it shows that an elderly person has more experience than the younger ones because they lived longer here on earth and that's the reason we should always listen to the advice of elderly people since they have been on this planet longer than us and, as a result, have accumulated enough life experience to believe whatever they say. To be honest, you may have the experience, but just because you're older doesn't mean you've comprehended everything there is to know about life. Life is evolving and new things have come into the world that these elderly people don't know, though i didn't say we should avoid their advice but wht I mean is that they can't know everything.


Being nice is great, but being nice to someone and showing them you care while you're expecting anything in return means you've never been nice. And if you're nice to someone and they are all mean to you in return, live a life that will teach them how to be nice and hopefully they turn a new leaf.


For me, I actually do express kindness to anyone who needs it if I have the opportunity to do so at the time because I have no idea what the individual is going through. Life is not easy for everyone so I lend a hand with what I have. Despite the fact that there are scammers everywhere masquerading as if they require assistance, I have never shied away from extending generosity to those in need because there's more to life when you're generous. I do my best to people and never instruct them to do same back to me unless they are willing to be good back.


As we live, we got closer to death or the grave the longer we live on this earth. So live your best life and don't be troubled with what others say to you or behind your back. So be cheerful and smile all the time, tell the people you care about how much you love them, and tell those who hate you how much you love them too. Life is too short to be concerned about people that don't show you love, love is too short to be depressed all the time, go out and enjoy yourself and impact people's life positively.


Always be yourself, don't attempt to be someone else for any reason. you're unique the way you are, and it's better to be yourself than to try to be someone else because if you try to be someone else, you can end yourself somewhere you don't want to be or doing something you're not supposed to be doing. Don't live a life whereby you're living a fake life to impress others. Do you best to live the life you've always been. Don't deceive others to believe what you're not because in the ling run, you will regret it.


Not All love is genuine most of it is lust and love Is really hard so don't try to force love on someone because later you would regret lt. Make sure the person you love also loves you back. Don't go for who doesn't love you because you will be heartbroken at last. love is hard to be honest and sometimes the person you love and don't get loved back in return and it's really tough, so don't fall in love when you can't handle the pain that follows it and whatever comes after it.


Instead of being afraid of failing, be afraid of not trying at all, because you'll never know if you succeeded or not. As a result, seize any opportunity you come across and put it to good use and ensure you give your very best. When you fail, you know what you're doing wrong and you have the opportunity to improve yourself in that part you're failing.


When you think God hasn't done anything in your life, start counting your blessings and naming them one by one and also taking note of them since the day you were born and you will discover how many blessings he has bestowed upon you and I'm sure you will start thanking him more.

Let me leave you with this encouraging message : "blame no one, when you look in the mirror at the other side, you see a tremendous opportunity because tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives, so that's a great opportunity to start over and practice becoming perfect and mastering everything you once failed".

Thanks for reading ✨✨✨🩷🩷🩷🩷


We love to die hit me the hardest
Sometimes I push myself too hard and become so gloomy the whole day and then I have remind myself that I won’t be here forever, I better celebrate my wins

That's how we're meant to live actually.... I always have it at the back of my mind that one day I won't be here again