My role as a parent; my tips

in HiveGhana10 months ago

Parents play an important role in the lives of their children. But most parents would rather have other people play significant roles in the lives of their kids. Parents are more concerned about the financial aspect of their children, leaving the other aspect to strangers.



For me, I believe a parent should be the first role model for a child. Right from a young age, a parent should start instilling the right attitude and behavior into the life of a child. For me, I believe my lifestyle should speak volumes about me. I should practice what I preach and also be aware of the fact that children learn quickly, right from the formative stage.

As a parent, I will be sure to do the following:

1.. Spend quality time; spending quality time with kids is very important. I know that as parents, we are busy trying to provide for our children. But we should not forget that spending quality time with them is necessary. You get to play, interact, and tell them some of the important things they should know about life. When a child is sure of his or her place in the parents lives, the child will be open and free to tell the parents anything that's bothering him or her.

2.. Communication: Effective communication is important between children and parents. A parent should be open to telling a child why he or she made a particular decision. Discuss the family's financial status with the child so that the child will understand why you had to cut off on some expenses. Through effective communication, a child feels like part of the family, and it aids in the parent-child relationship. In turn, you would see that a child would also discuss issues bothering him or her with the parents.

3.. School work: it is very important for a parent to help the child with school work. It makes the child feel loved and shows that the parent is interested in his academic performance. If a child is aware that his parents are interested in his academic performance, he will be serious in his studies and try to perform well in order not to disappoint the parents.

4..Discipline: It is very important for parents to discipline a child. Your child should know that there are certain behaviors you do not tolerate, both in public and at home. A parent who doesn't discipline the child is not helping the child. There must be rewards for good behavior and punishments for bad behavior.

5.. Know their friends:
Parents should take it as their responsibility to know the type of friends their children keep. Peer groups can be devastating if not well managed. Friends are very influential in the lives of young children. Let your children know why they shouldn't keep the wrong company. It goes to show that you are interested in their affairs.

I will simply say that as parents, it is important for us to be present in the lives of our children. I don't mean just staying with them in the house; I mean being a part of their everyday lives.


As a parent it’s very important to spend quality time with your kids as it helps you build a strong relationship with them. You also get to understand each other better and make them comfortable around us.

Thank you for your comment, quality time is very important but sometimes it is overlooked by parents.