Enhancing Post Formatting on the Hive Blockchain.

in HiveGhana11 months ago

The Hive blockchain has seen a surge in new members, especially from the recent hive seminar held at a university in Ghana. As a passionate advocate and experienced user of the platform, I recognized the need for comprehensive mentorship to help these newcomers navigate the intricacies of the Hive blockchain effectively. In response, we @mcsamm & @collinz created a group where we share series of video tutorials, aimed at guiding newbies through the fundamental markdowns required to enhance their posts and improve their formatting styles on the Hive blockchain. In this blog post, we will delve into the key highlights of these videos and explore the benefits of active mentoring for newbies in the Ghanaian community.

Markdown is seen as a lightweight markup language that allows users to format their text easily. By understanding and utilizing basic markdowns, newbies can enhance their posts, making them visually appealing and easy to read. In my video tutorial, I break down the essential markdowns that every newbie on the Hive blockchain should be familiar with.


In addition to providing detailed video tutorials on markdowns, I extend an invitation to everyone to support my channel, where I offer active mentoring activities for newbies who sign up for the Hive blockchain. By subscribing to my channel, users can gain access to regular updates, advanced tutorials, and personalized assistance from me and the supportive community.

Active mentoring plays a pivotal role in the development and growth of newbies on the Hive blockchain. By offering guidance, tips, and feedback, mentors empower new users to navigate the platform confidently. Through my video tutorials, I strive to bridge the knowledge gap and instill a sense of belonging within the Ghanaian community on the Hive blockchain. I encourage experienced users to actively participate in mentoring activities, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for newcomers to thrive.



The video tutorial series I have created serves as a valuable resource for newbies who recently joined the Hive blockchain through the Ghana seminar. By exploring the basic markdowns required for formatting posts effectively, newbies can significantly enhance their content and engage more effectively within the community. I encourage everyone to support my channel and become part of the active mentoring activities offered to newbies. Let us join hands and empower each other to create a vibrant and successful Ghanaian community on the Hive blockchain.

You are invited to subscribe to my new YouTube channel


slightly overvalued.

Haha. I love the "bla bla bla". Way better than Lorem Ipsum 😂

Lorem ipsum looks meaningless, lol. Happy weekend, sir.

so many things to learn from you guys,,nice work,, I hope to get more of this to help me

You definitely will dear.