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RE: Forgive but do not forget

in HiveGhana • 3 months ago

This is your level of forgiveness hard oo 🤣🤣🤣
Burl doesn't want to give a second chance, but do you know there are some people we still could give second chance to, only if they feel remorseful of their actions? This doesn't mean letting them come closer like they do before, but you have to set clear boundaries to avoid any further mistakes and in the end, you will come to see a real change in them.

While there are some that no matter how much we have forgiven them, they still do not worth bringing closer to our lives because they aren't remorseful at all, they still act in such a way that it is obvious they'd do the same thing again.


some people feel remorseful and change. really?

so someone tried to poison you but was not successful, and then she came to apologize to you with a pitiful face, you will give her a second chance? trust me that second chance she won't make a mistake like the first time

someone betrayed you by saying shit about you behind you, then you somehow caught her, you will give her a second chance in your life?

Someone tries to seduce your husband, you caught them, you will give her a second chance?

If someone made you miss a lifetime opportunity, you would still give such a person a second chance?

no second chance princess, you fumble once, you get cut off... cos a second chance can be dangerous to your life.

cos they only come back to finish the job they could not during the first time but this time around, they wont get caught

Hahaha 😆 Burl has misquoted me here oo 😆 🤣
What I meant is that you can forgive and give them a second chance to prove the right way to you, BUT you must not let them get too close to you that they would want to harm you again. You just have to set your boundary