Heal The World

in HiveGhana • 5 months ago

Heys guys happy new year to y'all all, I'm so glad to be a participant again the Hive ghana weekly contest after a long while.
One of the topics we explore this week is 👇 :


The world has evolved so much to where we are today. From the days of our great great-great-grandparents to our grandparents to our parents and now here we are. Those days, things were different from today and that’s the beauty of life.

Life isn’t meant to be a bed of roses. There are good days and bad days for us. We see what is happening around us every day in our homes, communities, nations and the world at large. If you had the power to make the world a better place, what would you do differently? What changes would you make and how do you plan on achieving that?

I'm not a perfect person but then I always feel that if everyone had this kind of sympathy and empathy I have towards people, or even better than mine, the world would be a better place. There's a lot of Mishappening everywhere, nations at war, hunger, pandemics spreading across the globe as well as other natural disasters.

Life isn't a bed of roses but most of the thorns we prick on are caused by us human beings. the most annoying circumstances happening around the world are the ones we can have control over yet we can't give helping hands to.



Looking around our societies and communities these days, I can attest to the fact that life is really not going smoothly for some people out there. The economy today is slowly melting down, currency values are depreciating and inflation is at its peak in certain countries. The low class, even the average class citizens are struggling to afford 3 Square meals every day. This has caused especially young ones to indulge in illegal affairs just to survive.
The government is no more looking at its people. The aim of getting to a leadership position these days in some countries is just for money, power, and fame.

Leaders are embezzling government funds. Some are storing them in graves, tanks, and other strange places where there might be no access. They use this money to better their lives and their families. They live in luxury and waste time. They send their children to the best schools and get the best things in life yet so many are dying out of hunger around their environment.

Most times this hidden money is being forgotten and they all get bad and spoiled and out of use but if those funds were shared equally with the hungry masses.

If I had the powers to create changes in the world and society here are the few things I would do:

I think the earth will be better if we all together have one mindset of lifting others, healing others, and helping others.
I have plans for the future most especially with displaced kids and orphans. I hate seeing children suffering, and that is why I try to help out in one way or the other I can.
I would love to give this set of children a more meaningful life, the way other children are enjoying it as well.

Show Little Kindness

One of the ways to make the world a better place is if we learn to show people kindness. Show kindness to people regardless of race, religion or social ranking. You never know how far your little help can go for someone in need. Remember, we all need people at one point in life or the other. Therefore, be there for someone else.

Shun partiality

Partiality and favouritism have eaten deep into the world's system. And this has contributed to making our societies a difficult place to live in. We see those in positions of authority robbing people of their rights to favour their family members or those close to them. This has to stop if the world must become a better place. Let's learn to be fair and impartial wherever we find ourselves.

Give more

We have a lot of wealthy people but very few are philanthropists. A lot of them are so happy and satisfied watching people feed from the crumbs falling off their tables or nothing at all. Take a look at our communities today, you'll find out that there are some leaders and politicians that have in nowwhore impacted positively in the live of it's subjects.

I would give more and more and more till I find some sense of satisfaction and relief to people around me. Not just to give but helping and educating them on how they can also fend for themselves.

This I wouldn't be able to Do by myself alone, even Florence Nightingale needed more hands to carry out the nursing they administered to sick, dying and injured soldiers. I would create more awareness and connect with people with the same goals and create a force focused on helping and empowering People.

Just like Micheal Jackson Said, Let's Join hands together, heal the world and make it a better Place for all it's citizens.


Empathy is something that is slowly dieing in the society because of the hardship you have mentioned. A lot of children born today face the hatred of the world from an early age and thus makes it difficult for them to have a soft spot in heart

I'm glad you've noticed such as well