[ARW Game] A Ruthless World #2

in Game Development2 years ago (edited)

Progress update day 2

Time for the first progress update for ARW that I am working on for Gamedev.js Jam 2022.

First things first. You can try A Ruthless World if you like.


What happened to update nr 1? I was a bit late to the party, only started yesterday and had my hands full getting something up and running! Plan is to post daily updates up until the submission day, next Tuesday.

What is ARW?

A Ruthless World will be a short, probably only 1 level, game written in Typescript using PixiJS for graphics, Rapier for physics, Tiled for editing and howler.js for audio. I've been working on and off on a starter template for making games with these libraries for the past year, so decided that joining the jam would be a good test of how far I have come with the template. For the curious the template game can be tested in its current form (tests...), here.

ARW is: A raw template, used to make a raw game, with a raw theme about surviving and rescuing your offspring.

The actual progress

Yesterday I cloned the template and configured the project to a minimal. Created a couple of test tiles, a quick player class and a test level. Got Tiled up and running and started toying around with what to make. In the process I fixed some issues and made improvements to the starter template.

ARW edited in Tiled.

Today I have mainly been pushing out tiles and objects to be able to start making an actual level. I do the tiles in Inkscape and animations using Synfig Studio. The tiles are processed to a texture sheet using TexturePacker.

ARW running in the browser.

That about it for now. Try A Ruthless World.

Spelmakare is game development using web technologies.

Test ARW
Test TMoS
Play Hive P v. S


Gonna try it later! And maybe I'll join the jam too as the style I'm using it's raw as I could get it 😂.

Good luck with the jam anyway :D

