HiveWatcher Policy Shift on Cross-Posting to Hive

Yes, you read that correctly! If you had previously taken content you posted outside of Hive and posted it on Hive, you likely got downvoted by HiveWatcher, Spaminator, etc. The idea was that to bring people to Hive it's better to create unique-to-Hive content. I can't disagree with that argument.

At the same time, however, there is a lot of great content out there that could potentially lead others to Hive if it weren't discouraged from being posted here due to downvotes. That's the other side to the argument.

(Created with Bing)

HiveWatcher recently announced in their Discord that they are "shifting scope" on this and will not pursue action now. Obviously, if it's not your content, is AI generated, promotes illegal activities, etc., then don't think you won't get downvoted for that.

With that said, I still think discretion should be used here. While they won't necessarily downvote you, consider what you are cross-posting. Does it do an exemplary job at showcasing your work, your uniqueness, etc.? If so, post away! If not, then it's ultimately your decision, but I'd rethink posting it just to get rewards. We ultimately want to bring more people to Hive, and the way we do that is with great content!

So get out there and be the awesome, creative you! 😁

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Posted using Neoxian City



@bulliontools, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (3/3) but the mana is too low. Try again later.

As a consolation, @bulliontools gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

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I think this is a good step forward because we already have such a small user base compared to many other platforms and quite often (not always!) it would mean good content creators would not be able to cross promote their stuff and bring in new users..

The knife cuts both ways of course, I know there was plenty of abuse over the years as well but let's see and hope this brings in a positive overall shift on the platform.


Aw man @thisismylife, you are out of PIMP to slap people.
Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
(We will not send this error message for 24 hours).


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Good. This is suppose to be a "free speech" yadda yadda.. they need to stop policing HIVE so much unless objectively malicious/harmful/plagiarized/illegal. The centralized higher ups in the space need to back off so much and focus more on more pressing issues, as they apparently are now.

And ownership of content was always such a big deal here since Steem days. Why would we punish those who cross-post their own content as long as its not to spam (or within their now basic 1 and 2 guidelines). Glad to see some progress on this issue.

Hivewatchers eh...

They have one of the biggest voting and down voting power...

Yet they have one of the baddest reputations 😂😂

Maybe so, but this is good news for everyone. 🙂

They are adapting and improving, it's not as bad as most people think

It's a good step in the right direction for sure. 🙂


@dewabrata! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bulliontools. (1/20)