Christmas Thanksgiving with family

in The City of Neoxian6 months ago (edited)

It is almost Christmas. The holiday season is mostly about family, fun, and food. Everyone seems to be in a good mood. I want to have a wonderful Christmas with my family because to me family is everything. At a time when friends will abandon you, the family will always be there to back you up and give you the support you need to get back on your feet again. Celebrating this festive season will be wonderful as everyone will be coming together to have fun and ruminate on how the year has been for every one of us.

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Christmas is a holiday season filled with so much love, just as it is my family tradition for everyone to travel down to our hometown for the Christmas celebration which is always coupled with our family end-of-the-year Thanksgiving celebration. It is always an interesting time to meet up with family members I've not seen since the beginning of the year. I only get the chance to see some of them once a year and that is during the Christmas holiday. My joy always knows no bounds when I am with my family, I feel safe and secure because of the bond we share.

During the Christmas holiday, food is one thing that makes it fun and interesting, the availability of good food prepared by different chefs in the house, I get to change the taste I've been eating around the year. We have different tribes in my family as some of my uncles got married to women outside our tribe, and they always prepare their native dishes and you can only tell how delicious it is when you taste the goodness in their cooking. This is a season no one follows the daily eating routine of morning, afternoon, and night. We eat as many times as we like with no one monitoring how we eat, you get to choose what you would like to eat not forcing you to eat what you don't want.

I am a lover of good food and the Christmas season always allows me to exercise my taste buds. I am good at tasting food, that's one thing I do around the house because my aunties are the ones in charge of the cooking. This is a time we come together as a family to reminisce on old times and share new bonds that will carry us through the coming new year till we see one another again. I am looking forward to having a wonderful Christmas with my family where we will be participating in different games and fun activities during our family Thanksgiving celebration.

Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.

Posted using Neoxian City


Family is surely fun to connect with and I envy the plenty food that would go around. The Thanksgiving is a good tradition that should be nurtured, compliments

Thanks for your comments. We will try to keep the tradition going.

Glad to hear that, compliments of the season

Posted using Neoxian City

The family get together at the home town must be such fun. The different tribal foods must be so tasty. Spending time bonding, sharing stories, playing games are all nice things to do as a family. As you might not see some of your family for the whole year - you will most likely savor this special time with them during the Christmas season.

Posted using Neoxian City

That's my plan for the Christmas

Yay! 🤗
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Thanks for this

It's always a lovely moment being around one's family, sharing events, receiving advices from the elders and laughing over some hilarious matters.

I can imagine you enjoying every single delicacy prepared by your aunties and all the other fun activities you guys will be engaging in.
This will definitely be a fun-filled Christmas indeed!

Yes o, family is everything for me