Silenced Summoner- Summoners don't give any stats buffs or debuffs

in The City of Neoxian9 months ago


A lot of uncertainty going on in splinterlands. Is it bad to say that since the day I got to know that Aggroed is no more with the SPL team and he didn't even say anything about it for the first time through my SPL journey I am kind of very uncertain regarding the SPL future? Well, My heart is not at peace now. I am still hanging around tho. Let's hope for a better future for SPL and more power to Yabapmatt. Since we don't have tournaments to play at the moment I decided to look into this week's Splinterlands challenge :p XD. Given ruleset is a Silenced summoner that I get more often getting a battle with this particular rulest wasn't very difficult for me. I actually got 3 to 4 silenced summoner battles this morning but they got down and only one left on my page and I am sharing that battle.

Silenced summoner

In this ruleset, Summoners don't give a damn about whatever you use hehe just kidding :p I mean summoners don't give buffs or debuffs. Also, you are allowed to use any ability.


Along with Silenced Summoner, I got 2 other rulesets called Rise of Commons andMelee Mayhem`. It was kind of a fun battle. When there is the rise of common and melee mayhem rules immediately your mind goes to death splinter for Cursed Windeku. Hence I and my opponent came up with the same thought but with different lineups.

My battle

Battle Link

I was playing Modern format so there you don't get any 2 Mana summoner option in the silenced summoner ruleset. You can go with any 3 mana summoner. I usually prefer using dragon epic 3 Mana summoner. Since Dragon Splinter was out of the picture i went with Death Summoner.

My Lineup

Cursed Windeku


I used cursed Windeku in the first position. As I already mentioned up there I got two other rulesets along with silenced summoner, the Rise of the Commons and melee Mayhem. Cursed Windeku has three best properties, Thorns, Heal and Slow. So I can safely say the best option for the melee mayhem ruleset.


Pelacore Deciever


I used Pelacore Deciever in the second position. It is a 4 mana monster with dodge and retaliates properties. A very good option in the melee mayhem ruleset. It has flying ability too. The purpose of placing it in the second position was if any case cursed was gone fast it would replace cursed and would give benefit with his retaliate ability against melee attacks.


Silent Sha-Vi


I placed Silent Shavi in the third position. No specific reason tho. it could have been any position. I like this monster because of its speed and piercing properties. Also Cripple goes well in sneak attack too. All in all this sneak monster is very good.


Possessed Puppet


Ok now this monster is my favourite when it comes to the melee mayhem. It has double strike, dispel and cripple properties. Its name is really cool :p would it be wrong to say i am obsessed with possessed puppet? hehe, you will see this monster in action and will be surprised by its action.


There are 2 more monsters I used in 2nd last and last position. RavenHood warden and Dumacke Orc. I used Warden to give 2 armour protection to all my monsters also it inspires all Melle monsters. Dumacke orc placed in the last position. To counter sneak attack. I would like to share one more battle I won on xadragon with the same ruleset.


Battle Link


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