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RE: Another dream fulfilled

in Cycling25 days ago

Hahaha... Yes, I almost feel like a hero. My muscles don't hurt, my skin is burning and now a little more because I woke up in the middle of a blackout. Damn! We are going to roast here. And the mosquitoes!

Thank you, Erikah. 😉🥴


Try to apply cucumber on it, it helps a lot as it hydrates the skin.

Poor you! 😟 I haven't seen mosquitos in years.

17% battery... This power cut seems to have happened shortly after I fell asleep at 12 am, the phone didn't even take a charge.
I would be full of cucumbers right now hahaha... Nice day to you Erikah, my friend.

Thank you Nanixxx, you too :)

Thank you. For the time being, I'll try to get some sleep... I don't know how but... I'll try. 😵‍💫😄👋🏻