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RE: Spreadsheet Friday

in Daily Blog2 months ago

Someone said to me once that grief- from that of someone passing, is like your love going into a dead end street. It can go no further- you no longer have that person to give it to so it just swirls around, making everything a bit more confusing- a bit muddier..but eventually it settles into other people, places, things and sometimes finding a cause to champion- someone or something that really needs a hand up, to push along with that lost love is the best thing that can happen.

And it will happen, one day and you will barely even realise it until you do.


sometimes finding a cause to champion- someone or something that really needs a hand up, to push along with that lost love is the best thing that can happen.

I think that can be the case. I am also sorry to hear about your loss too. Have a great week!