in Daily Blog4 months ago

My week has been quite hectic for me, it feels like I'm literally struggling with everything I need to do and it's just crazy. Everything seems to be even more unbearable due to how hot the weather is lately. Well, I'm still trying to keep my head above water and just try to live a normal life because my week started with a good news. After so many years of waiting, I've finally gotten admission into the university but somehow, it just feels a bit strange.

I guess that's happening due to the fact that I've waited for so long (not so long though) and now that it's here if feels like nothing but then I know it is something and I'm glad and grateful too. My week started off quite well but now I don't even know what's happening, things just don't seem to be going my way and it's a bit sad but then knowing that things will not always stay this way gives me hope and assurance of better days ahead.


I woke up this morning with the mind of going to the market with my sister to get some things for the house and also few things she will be needing for her camp. But waking up this morning, little adjustments were made as I had to do a little clean up in the house and then do the laundry. After doing that I took my bath and also washed my hair because I wanted to make a new hairstyle for myself.

I had cornrows on but it was already looking unkempt so I thought of making a new hairstyle. I don't like going to salons to make my hair, I prefer making it myself because I don't trust them with my hair. I keep my natural hair and not all salons here are good at maintaining a natural hair. So after taking my bath I made a new hairstyle for myself which took about 2 hours. After that I went to the market with my sister.


I did make a video of how I made the hair myself but it's already late and I haven't done the editing yet so I'm going to share that some other time. Thanks to my sister it was easy for me to make my hair myself as she helped me cut my hair into different sections. I think I love how I look after everything but I'm yet to take a photo of myself but I'd do so when I get to share the video of me making my hair.

Anyways, it's just Thursday but I'm already feeling like it's weekend because of how busy and stressful my days are. Right now all I want to do is share with you about my day which I'm doing now, then go take my bath because of how hot the weather is so I can get a good sleep. I just hope and pray my tomorrow will be a lot better and easy for me.

Thank you so much for stopping by to read about how my day went, I'm so glad and happy to have you stop by 🥰.

Images used are mine


Everything passes, angel. Hang in there.

That's a groovy hairstyle! 😎

Thank you ma'am, I'm really glad to have you stop by and hear these words from you 🥰.


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Valentines Day, so have a beautiful one.

Eat the chocolate! Have a long hot bath and spoil yourself while you wait for things to change.

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers, please. 👍🏾

The pleasure was mine. I'd totally do my hair like that if I could, btw. But with a Mohawk on the top like that gal from Vikings 🙃

You've got style, Hopestylist. See you 🌟

Thank you Nicky, I hope you have a wonderful one yourself 🤗.

Oh my! Now I really want to do all the things you've mentioned but it's already late here and I can't do some of them but as for the bath, I'm definitely doing that but it would be a cool bath because the weather is hot!

How I wish you were close, I'd do that styling for you myself 🥰. Thank you so much for the beautiful compliment 🤭

The hair looks good on you, take a picture of it and you will see how beautiful it is.

Thank you so much for the compliment, I actually made a video and I'm crushing on myself already 😀.

I knew it you will like it when you look at it.

Yeah you were right

So you make your hair yourself. I wish I could do that. It's looking good on you.

Yes I do it myself but it's not so neat but it's okay. I'm glad you think it looks good on me 🥰

Yeah. What do you intend to study at school


Wow, congratulations. Which university?

Thank you dear

It's university of Benin

Wow, congratulations.