How Should You Live Your Faith?

in Daily Blog2 months ago (edited)

April 6, 2024

"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."
James 2:17 NIV

I was once told by someone I knew that we are saved by faith alone. I think he was newly "converted" to a different Christian denomitation at that time.

I forgot how I responded since it was decades ago. But I think I quoted the verse to him. But after I replied, I remember he wasn't able to reply then walked away.

Disclaimer: I am not a theologian. The content of this post is purely my opinion based on my reflections.


Perhaps, they are correct in their arguement that we are saved by Faith alone. Because our salvation is a grace of God through Jesus Christ. This was evident during the crusifiction of Christ when he said to the thief

"Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise" - Luke 23:43

The thief had no chance to show he would change his ways. However, he showed his faith when he rebuked the other thief for mocking Jesus and asked Him to remember him when He come to His kingdom. (Luke 23:40-42).

Then again, the simple act of rebuking the other thief was a sign of good works. How so?

If he was thinking of himself only, he would not have rebuked the other thief. However, the way I see it, he wanted the other thief to realize that mocking Jesus was wrong.

Rebuking someone for doing something wrong is not a sign of hate. Instead a sign of love. Because we don't care about that person we could that person be and let him continue his sinful ways.

In Filipino we say...

"Bahala ka sa buhay mo!"

Rough translation: "Go ahead, do what you want, I don't care!"

Yes, our salvation is a grace of God. Salvation was granted to us for one reason... Love.

God also commanded us to love Him with all we have. And as Jesus summarized it, the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Yes, salvation is a grace from God thru Christ. To show that we accept that salvation is by loving othes. And to show that love is by doing good to our neighbors!


How do we show our love to our neighbors?

Post No. 2024-29
Date Posted: April 6, 2024.
All image are mine unless otherwise indicated.
* The first image used was created using Canva
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Faith alone is not enough, Jesus always asks for good works. Did He not say something like "Whatever you did to your brethren you have done unto Me"? That alone is evidence that our actions are important. Doing good deeds is a must. 😉

It is very hard to love our neighbors especially when they trigger negative emotions. Thus I pray for more grace so I can be able to do it more. Lord have mercy on us all. 🙏

Amen to that.
I believe doing good is a manifestation of our faith

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