Nothing is eternal, everything passes./Nada es eterno, todo pasa.

in Daily Blog27 days ago (edited)



These days have been full of professional activity, I have not stopped at home, thanks to the universe and God the Creator, professional possibilities have opened up, through the audiovisual and the Hive Blockchain.

Estos días han sido de mucha actividad profesional, no he parado en casa, gracias al universo y el Dios creador se han abierto las posibilidades profesionales, por medio del audiovisual y de la Blockchain de Hive.


These moments remind me a lot of the quarantine and isolation that everyone went through. Those days of confinement where all my cinematographic activity disappeared, I accept that for a moment I thought that everything was lost.

Estos momentos me recuerdan mucho a la cuarentena y el aislamiento que todo el mundo puso vivir. Esos días de encierro donde toda mi actividad cinematográfica desaparecieron, acepto que por un momento pensé que todo se había perdido.


To be able to live this experience again is to be reborn from a process that I would never wish on anyone. Even though many people left, there are many people who came to continue sharing my work experiences.

Poder vivir esta experiencia de nuevo, es renacer de un proceso que jamás le desearía a nadie. A pesar de que mucha gente se fue hay muchas personas que llegaron para seguir compartiendo mis experiencias laborales.


Between yesterday and today I have had the opportunity to cover two quinceañeras, it has been years since I had this kind of activities, which I am very grateful for, I hope that these experiences can continue to expand throughout the year.

Entre ayer y hoy me han tocado cubrir dos quinceaños, tenían años que no me toca este tipo de actividades, las cuales agradezco mucho, espero que estás experiencias se puedan seguir expandiendo en todo el año.


Without further ado, thank you very much for joining me in this post. The pictures were taken by the Redmi note 10 pro cell phone.

Sin más nada que decir muchas gracias por acompañarme en este post. Las fotografías fueron realizadas por el celular Redmi note 10 pro.




hive  (14).gif


For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Que bien que después de tanto tiempo puedas seguir creando y haciendo lo que te gusta.👍🏿

Saludos y mucha suerte en el futuro mi hermano

How are you dear friend @mundomanaure good morning
The pandemic has been terrible in many ways, and we have had to adapt on the fly, now luckily, it is just a memory that has been left behind.
How great that your work activity began to flow, and I have no doubt that the rest of the year you will be covering many social events.
Success dear friend

Existos hermano!

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

I completely understand that desperation of being weeks without a job and when it starts to come you feel a huge joy, these are moments that sometimes we have to go through to learn about bigger things.

Dios te bendiga siempre @mundomanaure y que todo te siga fluyendo en armonía y abundancia para materializar tus proyectos y metas. ❣️