First week of May

in Daily Blog27 days ago


The last month of spring has come. How fast everything is...

For me, the arrival of May went unnoticed. Almost all the past week I slept all the time... Probably the antidepressants that my doctor prescribed me have such a side effect. Now it creates certain problems for me, breaking my work schedule and not leaving me enough strength to deal with the house and garden. But I continue to hope that the situation will soon begin to change for the better.


This situation does not bother my dogs at all. Back in April, we had to cancel our walks in the field due to the huge number of ticks. Of course, I use special means of protection, but the risk is all the same. Very great. My neighbor's dog got pyroplasmosis and now I go to give him injections every day. But it was also treated with special drops!


My fruit trees are almost all blossomed. Some of them already have tiny fruits. But my lilac began to bloom. In addition, I bought a few more lilac bushes, but I haven't had the strength to plant them yet.


I hope next week will bring me more vitality and I can finish some garden work. But so far, I'm constantly sleepy...

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How are you dear friend @torem-di-torem good morning
I am very sorry that the antidepressants are not having the desired effect, and you have spent the days sleeping.
Without a doubt, next week will be much better, full of vitality.
Have a happy and prosperous week

Yea, it is the last month spring, but as if we have gone back to March :)

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