Morning guest

in Daily Blog27 days ago (edited)


When you live far from the city, you should be ready for the fact that from time to time you will have unusual guests. Five crows visited my yard yesterday. What we were looking for is unclear. Perhaps their attention was drawn to the ducklings in the enclosure. But they were disappointed - the enclosure turned out to be. Not available to them, besides, the duck mother showed full readiness to protect her babies. I wouldn't contact her, because when it comes to ducklings, any duck mom turns into a dragon.

This morning another guest was walking around my yard - a long-legged and long-beaked stork. It was quite unexpected, especially since I didn't see any aire nests near my house. The guest walked around the yard, checked the flower pots, carefully examined the bird enclosures, greeted the dogs and went on his own business.

If everything continues to develop this way, I risk finding a crocodile in the garden lake soon 😉




Може, лелека не промто так прилітав?!))) А ось крокодила точно не треба!)))

The advantages of being away from the city are these excellent day-to-day surprises, making everyday life become something new. My dad has a house in the country and something that surprised me enormously the first time I went there was the absolute silence.

Good morning dear friend @torem-di-torem
Your mornings are surrounded by surprise, how good it is that mother duck protected her offspring very well and the crows left with them.
It is great to see this great bird peacefully walking through the garden, let's see what other animal visits you these days
Have a beautiful Sunday

Haha what a lovely guest!

What an interesting visit from these curious annalists, how nice that the mother duck defended her offspring.