The Main Market Architecture of Merida, Venezuela.

Hello, dear architecture and design lovers, I am happy to greet you again, I hope you have had an excellent start of the week. Today I want to share some pictures of one of the most iconic sites of tourism in the State of Merida. We are talking about the Main Market.

You can't leave Merida without visiting the main market. This is one of the most visited sites by tourists and locals. And the fact is that visiting this market is an interesting experience, full of art and local gastronomy, which allows you to get to know the essence of the Merideños.

This market is located on Las Americas Avenue, inaugurated in 1987, according to the information found inside and restored a couple of years ago. One of its main characteristics is the geometric shape of its floor plan, as you can see in the image taken from the Pinmapple map. Its floor plan has a Y shape, with two trapezoidal protrusions, which are the entrances to the market.

Hola, queridos amigos amantes de la arquitectura y diseño, estoy feliz de saludarlos nuevamente, espero que hayan tenido un excelente inicio de semana. Hoy quiero compartir algunas fotografías de unos de los sitios más icónicos del turismo del Estado Mérida. Se trata del Mercado Principal.

No puedes irte de Mérida, sin pasar por el mercado principal. Este es uno de los sitios más visitados por los turistas y lugareños. Y es que recorrer este mercado, es una experiencia interesante, llena de arte y gastronomía local, que te permiten conocer la esencia de los merideños.

Este mercado está ubicado en la Av. las Américas, inaugurado en 1987, según la información que encontramos en su interior y restaurado hace un par de años. Una de sus principales características es la forma geométrica de su planta, como pueden ver en la imagen tomada del mapa de Pinmapple. Su planta tiene una forma de Y, con dos sobresalientes trapezoidales, las cuales son las entradas al mercado.

Screenshot in Pinmapple

A couple of days ago, after a long time, I had the opportunity to visit the market with my family. My little son, seeing the facade for the first time, related it to his Lego games and honestly this analogy is quite reasonable and for those who knew the old main market, can notice the radical change in the colorimetry of its facade. It went from being a sober facade with a palette of beige and green colors, to a very striking and colorful facade.

Of course, this remodeling caused controversy. At first, I was not convinced, but little by little, I liked it more and more. I even discovered a few days ago that they used the same colors of the monument called "The window to the world, located in Barranquilla, Colombia".

Hace un par de días, después de mucho tiempo, tuve la oportunidad de visitar el mercado en compañía de mi familia. Mi pequeño hijo, al ver la fachada por primera vez, la relacionó con sus juegos de legos y sinceramente esta analogía es bastante razonable y es que para quienes conocían el antiguo mercado principal, pueden notar el cambio radical en la colorimetría de su fachada. Paso de ser, una fachada sobria y con una paleta de colores beige y verde, a una fachada muy llamativa y llena de color.

Por supuesto, que esta remodelación, causó polémica. Al principio, no me convencía, pero poco a poco, me fue gustando cada vez más. Incluso hace días descubrí que usaron los mismos colores del monumento llamado "La ventana al mundo, ubicado en Barranquilla, Colombia".

Upon entering, 440 stores filled with a lot of interesting things await us, where local handicrafts, wooden toys, rag dolls and of course all the sweets, desserts and traditional drinks of the region stand out.

One of the things, which favors this market is its organization, walking through its corridors, is comfortable and enjoyable, sincerely, here the hours fly by while touring the three levels that make up this building.

On the first level, we find an exquisite variety of sweets and handicraft souvenirs, at a more affordable price, compared to what we find outside of it.

Al entrar nos espera 440 locales repletos de un montón de cosas interesantes, donde resalta la artesanía local, los juguetes de madera, las muñecas de trapo y por supuesto todos los dulces, postres y bebidas tradicionales de la región.

Una de las cosas, que favorece a este mercado es su organización, pasear por sus pasillos, resulta cómodo y ameno, sinceramente, aquí las horas pasan volando, mientras recorres los tres niveles que conforman este edificio.

En el primer nivel, encontramos una exquisita variedad de dulces y recuerdo de artesanía, a un precio mas accesible, en comparación al que encontramos fuera de él.

If we look up, we can see the skylights responsible for illuminating each of the corridors. A mix of simple elements, which works very well.

Si elevamos la mirada, podemos observar las claraboyas responsables de iluminar cada uno de los pasillos. Una mezcla de elementos sencillos, que funciona muy bien.

The floor is granite, which is kept quite clean. In addition, each of the corridors are identified by letters and numbers, since each level is divided by three modules A, B, C and each module by 4 corridors.

El piso es de granito, el cual se mantiene bastante limpio. Además, cada uno de los pasillos, están identificados por letras y números, ya que cada nivel, está dividido por tres módulos A, B, C y cada módulo por 4 pasillos.

The structure of the building is arcaded, with huge concrete columns and ribbed mezzanine slabs. In the interior, the gray of the concrete is quite predominant, since there are several areas in clean work, especially in the core of the stairs.

The stairs are wide with a large landing, where there are some wooden benches for the use of visitors.

In the nucleus of the stairs, we find a gallery of photographs of important people for the city and for this market. In addition, there is a brief historical review of the market.

On level 02 you will find stores dedicated to handicrafts, textiles, art galleries and much more and on level 03 we will continue enjoying some galleries and the market's restaurants.

La estructura del edificio esa porticada, con enormes columnas de concreto y losas de entrepiso nervadas. En el interior, el gris del concreto predomina bastante, ya que existen diversas áreas en obra limpia, sobre todo en el núcleo de las escaleras.

Las escaleras son amplias con un descanso grande, donde se encuentran algunas bancas de madera, para el uso de sus visitantes.

En el núcleo de escaleras, encontramos una galería de fotografías de personajes importantes para la ciudad y para este mercado. Además, encontramos una breve reseña histórica del mismo.

En el nivel 02 podrás encontrar tiendas dedicadas a la artesanía, a los textiles, galerías de arte y mucho más y el nivel 03 seguiremos disfrutando de algunas galerías y los restaurantes del mercado.

As I mentioned before, one of the things you enjoy most about the market is the art and I love all the murals that we find on its huge concrete columns, on its walls and in each of the stores. My favorite artwork is in brown lines with a certain relief that looks like carved wood. The best thing about them is that by itself tells us the history and day to day life of the Merida of yesteryear, all credits to its author.

Como he mencionado anteriormente, una de las cosas que más disfrutas del mercado es del arte y adoro todos los murales que encontramos en sus enormes columnas de concreto, en sus paredes y en cada una de las tiendas. Mi obra favorita está en líneas marrones con cierto relieve que parece tallado en madera. Lo mejor de ellas es que por sí sola nos cuenta la historia y del día a día de la Mérida de antaño, todos los créditos a su autor.

We also find other more colorful murals, which refer to the tourist areas of the State of Merida, the moorland areas, the traditions. It is as if each of the walls were an open book, where we can get to know Merida through beautiful illustrations.

También encontramos otros murales más coloridos, que hacen referencia a las zonas turísticas del Estado Mérida, las zonas del páramo, las tradiciones. Es como si cada una de las paredes, fuese un libro abierto, donde podemos conocer a Mérida a través de hermosas ilustraciones.

The Market is quite extensive and we did not manage to go through it all, but I still have many things to show you about this interesting place. Besides, I almost forgot that it has a large, free and safe parking lot, for the convenience of visitors. On the outskirts of the market, a beautiful vegetation highlights its beauty.

El Mercado es bastante extenso y no logramos recorrerlo todo, pero aún me quedan muchas cosas por mostrarles de este interesante lugar. Además, por poco olvido que cuenta con un estacionamiento grande, gratuito y seguro, para mayor comodidad de los visitantes. En las afueras del mercado una linda vegetación resalta su belleza.

If you visit Mérida, don't forget to visit this place where you will find very traditional drinks and food, lots of local handicrafts, so you can bring gifts for your family, while you take a tour through a unique structure worth admiring. I say goodbye, with these funny pictures of my family and me, with the typical costumes of the Andes region.

Si visitas Mérida, no olvides visitar este lugar donde encontrarás bebidas y comidas muy tradicionales, mucha artesanía local, para que lleves regalos a tu familia, mientras das un recorrido por una estructura única y digna de admirar. Me despido, con estas fotos graciosas de mi familia y yo, con los trajes típicos de la región de los Andes.

Hasta la próxima, un millón de bendiciones a sus familias.

Until next time, a million blessings to your families.

Traducción: DeepL.
Edición: Canva(Recursós y Plantillas Gratis)

Translation: DeepL.
Editing: Canva(Free Resources and Templates)

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Undoubtedly my favorite part of the mall is the facade, the play of colors makes the difference, it is unique. The idea is daring but I think the visual objective was achieved.

Undoubtedly, very daring. The change was total, before it was beige and green lines, now it is full of color, many do not agree with the change, I liked it. Thank You

Doris, me encantó este paseo de principio a fin. Sentí que iba con ustedes caminando por los pasillos y hasta quedé antojada de una de las muñecas de trapo, para agrandar mi colección.
No sé como se vería antes, pero esos colores tan llamativos de la fachada invitan a entrar.

Doris, I loved this tour from start to finish. I felt like I was walking through the aisles with you and I even had a craving for one of the rag dolls to enlarge my collection.
I don't know how it would have looked before, but those bright colors of the facade invite you to come in.

Amiga, and that I have other photos of very beautiful dolls in storage, but they seemed a bit expensive to me. Strolling through this market is always very enjoyable. There are so many things, that every experience is different. Thank you, I hope you come one day and we can walk through it together.

This place is one of those in which you would spend a whole day visiting every space and you would still be missing places to visit in depth, it is certainly a beautiful and colorful place that enchants the eye. At least with your photos I was simply amazed by everything there and seeing it even from the outside must be very nice and charming.

Yes, you can spend hours and hours here and not end up seeing everything. We did not go all over it, it has everything, many things to attract tourists, who usually go to the market to buy souvenirs of the trip. Thank you very much!

What a colorful building. I can understand your son relating it to Lego. ;)

I loved the murals on the walls and columns.

Yes, it is full of color. It looks like a giant lego, doesn't it. The murals are amazing. Thank you.

Hello friend, definitely a great market to spend hours, looking at the varied products, the facade is beautiful and its pretty colors are eye catching, I liked the murals and crafts.


Yes, you can spend a whole day, there are many many things, especially handicrafts, some things are very interesting. It is really a place to go calmly and enjoy thanks friend.

It is definitely the most visited place in the state, not only for its variety of gastronomy and essence of the Andes, but also for the pleasant attention of its citizens and home culture.

Its current façade makes it more cheerful than it is in every corner of the market, being a great tourist attraction.

It is a great place to enjoy a little bit of everything in one place.

A special place to take a souvenir of Merida and its nearby towns, be it key rings, images, the famous hats, rag dolls and blankets of different colours, hand embroidered, supporting the talent of Merida, being the most seen, without forgetting its blackberry wine and traditional cream punches, a delight.

Always happy to visit and in the company of the people we love, the visit becomes more enjoyable.

Visit Merida and its main market.

Greetings friend, thanks for sharing.

Amiga, you are right, it has a great variety of things and now this facade is more striking than the previous one. Although many didn't like it, I think it worked. Thanks for adding value to my post. Best regards

That's so beautiful post. Thank you.

Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it.

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Thank you very much. It is a pleasure to be part of this beautiful community. Greetings and blessings

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With utmost pleasure dear @doriangel. Thank you for your consistent publications of spectacular A+D stories. Keep up the awesome work! 😀