Church of the Chiquinquira of Trujillo State- Venezuela. Relic Part IV.

in Architecture+Design2 months ago

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Hello dear community, a pleasure to greet you in this season of Lent, wishing you thousands of blessings to all and leave a valuable contribution of one of the oldest churches in the state of Trujillo, dedicated to the Virgin of Chiquinquirá, built in 1958 and reflected in marble portraits at the entrance of the same.

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Its architecture is modern, located in the channel of ascent of the center of Trujillo better known as calle arriba, it has three naves being two lateral and a central one.

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Trujillo is defined as the town of two streets with extensive history, in front we locate the square sucre and in its adjacencies we see diversities of homes between colonial and rural.

In its facade we can visualize a mosaic, according to the religious they are sacred representations, in the rectangular frontispiece, to its surroundings in the right part entering, we see green areas and a rest area.

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To access the enclosure, we climbed granite stairs, being at the entrance we find two huge wooden doors over 2 meters high, with diagonal bronze parallels.

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From my point of view, it is very ventilated, we have three entrances, being the main one, the lateral one and the secondary one through the curial house, which is located on the left side of the ascending channel, all of them made of old wood, you can imagine how heavy it is.

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Entering through the main entrance, we see how spacious it is, at the end we see the holy sepulcher with copper spikes where Jesus is crucified, has 15 hanging flower-shaped lamps, its internal floor is granite, all impeccable, with a variety of wooden benches.

When entering to the enclosure, we can feel a peace, whose windows were installed in rectangular and parallel form, whose colors are yellow and light blue, it is appreciated in each corner different silhouettes of the celestial kingdom, as Jesus of Nazarene, the virgin of the peace, the patron saint of Trujillo, the virgin of the Chiquinquirá, the sacred family, among others.

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On the left side of the entrance, we appreciate the tomb of two priests who gave their lives to the religious service, such as Fr. Argenis de Jesús Delgado Espinoza and Antonio José Velázquez Delgado.

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When leaving the enclosure by the main entrance we see that, to the left side of exit we locate an access way being some stairs that take us to an annex, where it is inhabited when the orchestra makes presence in patronal celebrations, to delight us of their sacred choirs.

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It has a tower at the end of the enclosure, where we locate the upper bell and a beautiful clock that is active, despite its age, in it is drawn to our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, as we can see:

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It is a church that is part of the Cultural Heritage, therefore, we must take care of it and make it known.

Currently they are fixing the facade of the enclosure, by the leak that is observed in the fourth photo that is broken down in the post, soon I will show their majestic results, the internal part is in good condition, all impeccable.

In the meantime, I leave you the fourth relic I have visited in the state of Trujillo.

See you another time.

The photos are my property, I used the deepl translator since my language is Spanish.

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This church looks simple and the cross stands out the most @emily22

Thanks for stopping by.
The cross certainly gives it a unique touch in keeping with the times of structural initiation.

Hola amiga, the facade of the church is interesting, very different from what we usually see. My favorite part is the altar. Very nice church.

we share tastes.
the altar is a charm.
Thanks for stopping by.

Hi @emily22, the church has a nice design and also very different from what is traditionally seen in temples, I liked the interior design especially the altar is very nice, also the lamps and windows with their colorful glasses.

Happy weekend!

It's a relic, thanks for stopping by.
Prosperous week.

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