Visit to the Carmelo Fernández Museum [ENG/SPA]

in Architecture+Design3 months ago (edited)


Art is something very important in my life, it has always been a fundamental part of what I do, because in addition to computer science, I am a self-taught sculptor and I have always liked the other artistic branches that exist.

That's why I've always felt a great interest in all things related to the arts, such as museums and galleries. In my city there is a very interesting museum. I had not been able to visit it because it was closed, as it was in the process of being repaired, because it had suffered some faults in the roof. It is the Carmelo Fernandez Museum, inaugurated on July 16, 1982, located in the Cultural Center of San Felipe, Yaracuy.

If you want to know a little more about the museum, I leave this link where there is detailed information about it (the page is in Spanish).


El arte es algo muy importante en mi vida, siempre ha sido parte fundamental de lo que hago, pues además de informático, soy un escultor autodidacta y siempre me ha gustado las demás ramas artísticas que existen.

Por eso siempre he sentido gran interés por todas las cosas relacionadas con las artes, como los museos y las galerías. En mi ciudad hay un Museo bastante interesante. No había podido visitarlo porque estaba cerrado, pues estaba en proceso de reparación, porque había sufrido algunas fallas en el tejado. Se trata del Museo Carmelo Fernandez, inaugurado el 16 de Julio de 1982, ubicado en el Centro Cultural de San Felipe, Yaracuy.

Si gustan saber un poco más sobre el museo, dejo este enlace en donde hay información detallada del mismo (la página está en español).


The museum is quite large, with an auditorium in the middle and large rooms in the surrounding area for galleries and exhibitions, of which, by the way, they had 3 of them open to the public.

Notice in the picture below, this is the first view you get when you enter the museum through the main door, a large hall in the middle where small concerts are usually held. People sit on the stairs around and in the access stairs to the auditorium, to listen to the music.

El museo es bastante amplio, con un auditorio en el medio y con amplios salones en los alrededores para las galerías y exposiciones, de las cuales, por cierto, tenían en exhibición 3 de ellas abiertas al público.

Fíjense en la imagen de abajo, esta es la primera vista que se tiene cuando se entra al museo por la puerta principal, un gran salón en medio en donde suelen hacerse pequeños conciertos. Las personas se sientan en las escaleras alrededor y en las de acceso al auditorio, para escuchar la música.


To one side of the entrance is the lobby, or reception area, there are numerous works on display there, in smaller but equally important exhibits.

They also had a lot of really interesting and very traditional works, many of the things that are appreciated here are usually related to the folklores and traditions of the people, something very much related to the regional culture here.

A un lado de la entrada está el lobby, o área de recepción, allí hay numerosas obras expuestas, en exposiciones más pequeñas pero igual de importantes.

También tenían un montón de obras realmente interesantes y muy tradicionales, muchas de las cosas que aquí se aprecian suelen estar relacionadas con el folklores y las tradiciones del pueblo, algo muy relacionado con la cultura regional de aquí.



As I continued my tour, I went up the stairs to have a more extensive view of such a beautiful place. From the top you can have another perspective of the museum and the structure, being that from this view you can have a clearer vision of how big the museum is.

Al continuar mi recorrido, subí por las escaleras para tener una vista un poco más extensa de tan bonito lugar. Desde arriba se puede tener otra perspectiva del museo y de la estructura, siendo que desde esta vista se puede tener una visión más clara de que tan grande es el museo.


On the other hand, I came across other quite interesting works by artisans of the city. There was one, for example, where the author used recycled and waste pieces to create a kind of queen insect with a lot of small insects serving him, all these serving him are smaller and travel a path made of glass.

As you can see a work of art made entirely with recycling and is an exhibition in a non-trafficable area of the museum, so large of the work.

Por otra parte, me encontré con otras obras bastante interesantes de artesanos de la ciudad. Había una, por ejemplo, donde el autor usaba piezas recicladas y de desechos para crear una suerte de insecto reina con un montón de pequeños insectos sirviéndole, todos estos que le sirven son más pequeños y recorren un camino hecho con vidrio.

Como pueden ver una obra de arte hecha completamente con reciclaje y es una exhibición en un área no transitable del museo, por lo grande de la obra.




As I said, in the internal areas of the museum there are exhibitions of numerous artists, they are large and dimly lit rooms with outside light to take care of the works.

This is interesting in terms of the design chosen for these rooms, because according to my guide, in order to keep the works on display in better condition, it is necessary to minimize the sunlight to which the works are exposed daily.

Hence, all these rooms have almost no sunlight and are only illuminated with little sunlight and a few spotlights with special light for this purpose.

Como dije, en las áreas internas del museo hay exhibiciones de numerosos artistas, son salones grandes y poco iluminados con luz exterior para cuidar las obras.

Esto es interesante en cuando al diseño elegido para estos salones, pues según comentó mi guía, para mantener en mejores condiciones las obras expuestas, hay que minimizar la los solar a la que se expone a la obra diariamente.

De ahí que todos estos salones tengan casi nula luz solar y sean solamente iluminados con poca luz de sol y unos cuantos focos con luz especial para este propósito.



Below you can see the interior of these rooms and how some of the works of art are placed inside the exhibition.

A continuación pueden ver el interior de estas salas y la manera en cómo están colocadas algunas obras de arte en el interior de la exposición.



Paintings were also a fundamental part of the art on display here. Take, for example, the way in which they organized a series of paintings by local artists.

Las pinturas también eran parte fundamental del arte aquí expuesto. Fíjense, por ejemplo, la manera en como organizaron una serie de pinturas realizadas por artistas locales.


This is a beautiful place, full of art and a very charming structure and design. For me it has been a real privilege to visit it and to be able to share with you my visit to such a beautiful place related to art.

During my visit, I asked if it would be possible for me to have an exhibition or a show of my art in this place, something that would certainly be quite an accomplishment. Later on I will try to have my own exhibition, but time will tell if I will make it. For now I just share with you my joy for being able to visit the museum after such a long time.

Este es un lugar bellísimo, lleno de mucho arte y una estructura y diseño ciertamente encantadora. Para mi ha sido un verdadero privilegio poder visitarlo y poder compartir con ustedes mi visita a tan lindo lugar relacionado con el arte.

Durante mi visita, pregunté si sería posible para mi hacer una exhibición o una exposición de mi arte en este lugar, algo que sin duda sería todo un logro. Más adelante intentaré tener mi propia exposición, pero el tiempo dirá si lo lograré. Por ahora solo les comparto mi alegría por poder visitar el museo después de tanto tiempo.


I invite you to leave your opinions about this place, as always I will be happy to read them. I appreciate you taking the time to read me, as always I will be happy to read them. With nothing more to add, I'll say goodbye then...

See you next time!

Los invito a dejar sus opiniones acerca de este lugar, como siempre estaré encantado de leerlos. Agradezco que se tomaran el tiempo de leerme, como siempre estaré encantado de leerlos. Sin más que agregar, me despido entonces...

¡Hasta la próxima!




Wooo! You have an impressive structure...I loved the section of the sculptures with recycled material ♻️ is something I love to do.
Thanks for taking us for a ride on this beautiful experience my friend. Endless hugs 😘💜.

Wooo! Tiene una estructura encanto la sección de las esculturas con material de reciclaje ♻️ es algo que me encanta hacer.
Gracias por llevarnos de paseo en esta bonita experiencia amigo. Un abrazo infinito 😘💜.

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Hi Diana, I'm glad you liked it. Considering the circumstances this post may look different now, hehehe I hope to see tu post soon.

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It is an interesting museum and full of a lot of art as I love it. The building has a very beautiful architecture, I love its roof and adore the sculptures. Thank you for sharing

Hi, note that the roof was remodeled because it fell down. But thanks to the successful completion of the remodeling, you can visit the museum again.

This museum is unique, thanks for sharing so I could feel that I have been there also..

Thanks to you for rating my post, I'm glad you liked it.

It is a very beautiful place indeed, with a great variety of works of art. I liked meeting him. I hope you get your exposure here, I'm sure!


As a sculptor it is one of my wishes to be able to make an exhibition in this museum in my city, so I hope to be able to fulfill it.

Wow, we both have an attachment to museums. The history, story behind the exhibition, or ambience of each museum definitely has its own charm. I look forward to your own exhibition story one day. Have a great story

Certainly, each museum has its own charm and they are all magical places just like the art that lives in them.

Yes, we work based on goals and I have this goal to see if I can achieve it. I hope so.

The design of the building is beautiful, I liked the trapezoid shape of the roof, the sculptures are spectacular and enigmatic, definitely a great visit to appreciate art and its varied expressions.


It is that every artist should visit a museum at least once, it is one of the things you should do even if you are not an artist but you have an appreciation for art, these museums are like temples for artists hehehe

 2 months ago  

Congratulations dear @gaboamc2393! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER UP in Architecture Anthology™ 65. More power!


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Hi, sorry for not responding. I am very glad that my visit to the museum has been to your liking, I am very pleased that you value the architecture of my city, a big hug and a huge greeting.

 2 months ago  

We appreciate your response, thank you. Please keep it up!

That's very interesting museum. I liked here. 👍👍

It has a charming design. It is small but magical