Encounter with the past in LA LOMA DEL ANGEL/ Encuentro con el pasado en La Loma del Angel


Hello friends os this prestigious community. It is a pleasure for me to share with you iconic places of my Havana full of beauty and history. I was walking through the old part of Havana when I noticed a very narrow cobblestone street that looked very well kept, Cuarteles Street. I set out to enter, although I was going out of my way. As I advanced I admired the beauty of the place, it was like going into the past, three centuries ago. Suddenly I found myself in a small square with tables and umbrellas, all with very good taste. The buildings that surround them are of high struts, wide balconies, large doors and large windows with very small blinds, still retain their original colonial style structures.

Hola amigos de esta prestigiosa comunidad. Es un placer compartir con ustedes lugares icónicos de mi Habana llenos de belleza y dehistoria.
Estaba caminando por la zona vieja de la Habana cuando me llama la atención una calle muy estrecha y adoquinada que se veía muy bien cuidada, es la calle Cuarteles. Me dispuse a entrar, aunque me desviaba de mi camino. A medida que avanzaba admiraba la belleza del lugar, era como adentrarme en el pasado, tres siglos atrás.
De pronto me encuentro en una pequeña plaza con mesas y sombrillas, todo con muy buen gusto. Las edificaciones que las rodea son de puntal alto, balcones amplios, puertas grandes y ventanas amplias con persianas muy pequeñas, aún conservan sus estructuras originales del estilo colonial.





As I continued to walk around the place with my eyes, I saw a church of very old construction and a bronze sculpture of a beautiful young woman, what was my surprise to see that it was Cecilia Valdes and that I was precisely in La Loma del Angel. I knew of its existence, but I had never visited it personally.
This is the Church of the Holy Guardian Angel, one of the first parishes built in Cuba in the seventeenth century, was built on top of a hill facing the bay of Havana, from which you could see the entire bay and spot the presence of pirates.
I was struck by the design of its structure with many needle-shaped towers, as if each of them indicated the sky. In the front it has 3 large doors and is accessed by separate stairs, when I looked up I could see that it still retains its original bell tower. I would have liked to enter, but it was not possible, it is closed for restoration.

Al seguir recorriendo el lugar con la mirada, veo una iglesia de construcción muy antigua y una escultura de bronce de una bella joven, cuál fue mi sorpresa al ver que se trataba de Cecilia Valdés y que yo estaba precisamente en La Loma del Angel. Conocía de su existencia, pero nunca la había visitado personalmente.
Esta es la Iglesia del Santo Angel Custodio, una de las primeras parroquias construidas en Cuba en el siglo XVII, se construyó en lo alto de una loma frente a la bahía habanera, desde la cual se podía ver toda la bahía y divisar la presencia de piratas.
Me llamó la atención el diseño de su estructura con muchas torres en forma de aguja, como si cada una de ellas nos indicara el cielo. En el frente tiene 3 grandes puertas y se accede a ellas por escaleras independientes, al alzar la vista pude ver que aún conserva su campanario original. Me hubiese gustado entrar, pero no fue posible, se encuentra cerrada para su restauración.







Apparently this parish has its back to the Presidential Palace, but what really happened is that the Palace was built many years later, in 1920. I was talking with a young neighbor of the place and he gave me a curious fact, the door at the back of the church was built at the request of the wife of President Menocal to be able to enter directly to the church from the Palace. This door is currently under repair.
It was in 2014 that this sculpture of Cecilia Valdés was placed in front of the entrance of the church of Loma del Angel that served as the place where the story takes place in the homonymous novel by Cirilo Villaverde. This is a novel that narrates the customs of the colonial era through the impossible love of the mulatto woman who suffers because of her social condition in the 19th century.

Aparentemente esta parroquia le da la espalda al Palacio Presidencial, pero lo que realmente sucedió es que el Palacio se construyó muchos años después, en 1920. Estuve conversando con un joven vecino del lugar y me dio un dato curioso, la puerta que está en la parte trasera de la iglesia la construyeron por petición de la esposa del presidente Menocal para poder entrar directamente a la iglesia desde el Palacio. En estos momentos esta puerta se encuentra en reparación.
Fue en el año 2014 que se coloca esta escultura de Cecilia Valdés frente a la entrada de la iglesia de la Loma del Angel que sirvió de lugar donde se desarrolla la historia en la novela homónima de Cirilo Villaverde. Esta es una novela que nos narra las costumbres de la época colonial a través del amor imposible de la mulata que sufre debido a su condición social en el siglo XIX.





In front of the church there is a bust and a plaque in homage to the novelist and journalist Cirilo Villaverde who, thanks to his novel Cecilia Valdés or La loma del Ángel, immortalized the customs of the time by describing the cruelty of slavery and the prevailing racism of those times.

Frente a la iglesia se encuentra un busto y una tarja en homenaje al novelista y periodista Cirilo Villaverde que gracias a su novela Cecilia Valdés o La loma del Ángel quedaron inmortalizadas las costumbres de la época ya que nos describe la crueldad de la esclavitud y el racismo reinante es esos tiempos.


I liked to know that this church treasures a great history, here were baptized important personalities among them, our national hero José Martí and also our acclaimed prima ballerina Alicia Alonso.
I walked through several streets in the surroundings and I could appreciate how well preserved the buildings are, always respecting the original colonial architecture.

Me gustó saber que esta iglesia atesora una gran historia, aquí fueron bautizados importantes personalidades entre ellas, nuestro héroe nacional José Martí y también nuestra aclamada primera bailarina Alicia Alonso.
Recorrí varias calles en los alrededores y pude apreciar lo conservado que tienen las edificaciones siempre respetando la arquitectura colonial original.







And to top it all off, as I was leaving the neighborhood, a horse-drawn carriage passed in front of me, I just had to get on and take a ride to feel completely in the nineteenth century.
I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little piece of my colonial Havana, I enjoyed it very much.

Y para cerrar con broche de oro, al salir del barrio me pasa por delante un coche tirado por caballo, solo me faltó montarme y dar un paseo para sentirme completamente en el siglo XIX.
Es mi deseo que les haya gustado conocer de un pedacito de mi Habana colonial, yo lo disfruté mucho.


All content is original, of my authorship. The photos present in this post are taken by me with my cell phone. The images were designed and edited in Microsoft Office. My native language is Spanish, the translation into English was done on DeppL.com.

For historical data you can consult this site.

See you soon!

Todo el contenido es original, de mi autoría. Las fotos presentes en este post son tomadas por mí con mi teléfono celular. Las imágenes fueron diseñadas y editadas en Microsoft Office. Mi lengua materna es el español, la traducción al inglés la realicé en DeppL.com.

Para conocer datos históricos puede consultar este sitio.

¡Hasta pronto!


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Beautiful tour of Loma del Angel, I have been there, how beautiful the statue they made of Cecilia Valdés, the main character of Cirilo Villaverde's novel, I read those two volumes of his novel, when I was only 12 years old I always wanted to see that church and its bell tower with my eyes. Beautiful memories that you bring to mind, thank you friend @mayramalu

Yes, my friend, it is a place with a beautiful history, it is a joy to be able to continue enjoying this architectural beauty. Thank you @lileisabel for your kind words.

Beautiful tour @mayramalu, the buildings of Havana have a great variety of designs, with a marked incidence of colonial style, the facade of the church is spectacular I loved it. 🌷🌸🌻🌼

Happy and blessed Tuesday!

Thank you very much for your appreciation and kind words. It is very enjoyable to stroll through the streets of colonial Havana and admire its architecture. I wish you a nice day🌼💐🤗

Muchas gracias por su apreciación y sus amables palabras. Se disfruta mucho paseando por las calles de La Habana colonial y admirando su arquitectura. Le deseo un lindo día🌼💐🤗

Que hermosa la arquitectura de la Habana Colonial, me encanta. Gracias querida @mayramalu por mostrar las calles con sus adoquines, es todo un espectáculo de la época. Siempre amé pasear por todos esos lugares, me has traídos gratos recuerdos con tu excelente publicación, feliz día 🌹🌷🌼🪷🌸🪻🥀💮💐🌻🌺☘️

How beautiful the architecture of Colonial Havana, I love it. Thank you dear @mayramalu for showing the streets with their cobblestones, it is quite a spectacle of the time. I always loved walking through all those places, you have brought me pleasant memories with your excellent publication, happy day 🌹🌷🌼🪷🌸🪻🥀💮💐🌻🌺☘️

Hola amiga @taniagonzalez me alegra mucho que recordaras los lindos momentos en que recorrias estas calles, recordar es volver a vivir. Thanks for your support always, my friend🤩🤗🌼💐

Si querida Mayra , son muy lindos recuerdos 🌹🌷

Yes dear Mayra , they are very nice memories 🌹🌷.

Thanks a lot for these beautiful fotos. Great post!

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Thanks very much for your appreciation and support 🤗

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A beautiful place... Loved the pictures and the tour. Thank you so much for sharing. An infinite hug 😘💜

Un lugar hermoso... Me encantaron las fotografías y el recorrido. Muchas gracias por compartir. Un abrazo infinito 😘💜

Thank you dear friend, I'm so glad you like it 🤩 another big hug for you💐🌼🌻🤗.

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How beautiful everything you show, as I have never visited that church, nor have I walked those streets, I would really like it.

I also liked all your photos of the place 👍.

Hello dear, I also did not know the place and I was really surprised by its beauty, it is worth a visit. Thanks for your appreciation and support always, nice day🤗💐🌼🌻.

Wow!... Amazing post @mayramalu friend!... I've ejoyed a lot these text and shots!... Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you my friend, I appreciate your words and support. Best regards 🤗🤗

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My friend, that area of downtown Havana is beautiful, I have toured it and enjoy its magic. Thanks for taking me there again. Very nice post 🥰

Thank you very much friend for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed reliving the ride. Best regards🌼🌻🤗

 22 days ago  

Congratulations dear @mayramalu! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER UP in Architecture Anthology™ 75. More power!


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@aplusd Thank you very much for including my work in the runner up selection. Best regards

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You are most dear @mayramalu. Continue sharing spectacular A+D posts for our enjoyment. Kudos! 😀