Batak Traditional House, Indonesia.

in Architecture+Design2 years ago

Indonesia consists of many tribes and has a heterogeneous life. Of all these tribes they have characteristics to their respective regions ranging from food, clothing, language and other customs that deserve to be respected, even though there are so many tribes in Indonesia but Indonesian is still a unifying language for us. in Indonesia, so if you come to Indonesia there is no harm in learning Indonesian, because I'm sure you will have a lot of luck after learning it..he..he.

Tonight, I will discuss about one of the traditional houses of the Batak tribe that dominates the province of North Sumatra, this Batak tribe is widely spread in the northern province which has a cold climate in Karo Regency. This Batak tribe is more dominant in agriculture, so they prefer to live in the mountains or hills which have fertile land, a cold climate and clean air free from pollution and factory waste.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this house? Do you think that this house is very rundown or dirty? Then is this house still suitable for use or not? What is this house made of? Is it safe? And I'm sure a lot of questions popped into your head the first time you saw it. For information, this house is still active and still in use today, they still maintain this traditional house as a form of their love for their ancestors and of course so that this Karo Batak culture is not eroded by modernization that is no longer unstoppable.

The name of this Karo Batak traditional house is Gugung, a very unique name. This house was inaugurated by the leadership of the tirto utomo foundation, as a cultural heritage that must be preserved, why not the local government inaugurated the house? Because this traditional house is located in one of the existing Catholic church yards. They deliberately built this house so that the younger generation still remembers and does not forget their cultural and ancestral heritage.

The roof of this Karo Batak traditional house is made of palm fiber and a mixture of arena tree leaves, there are no clay tiles, or zinc there, all the roofs of this house are made of palm trees, and because of the cold climate at the foot of the mountain, this causes the roof of this gugung house overgrown by moss, the moss that grows on this roof makes the roof of the house stronger and leak-proof, then this house itself is made of 100 percent forest wood which is still widely encountered around the house, the surroundings of the house are made of wood, modernization The only thing that enters this building is the presence of electricity and wall paints that have been touched and add to the beauty of this traditional house.

On the outside of the walls of this traditional house, we still find ornaments and carvings typical of this Karo culture, all of which are made in contrast and have their respective meanings which have the conclusion of luck, glory, wisdom and prosperity for this tribe. Like the buffalo symbol on the roof of this house. This house is made a little high with a small ladder made in front of the house, this is intended so that no animals enter this house, so that people in it feel safe from attacks by wild boars that still roam a lot.

Although this house seems simple and too traditional, there are so many details that must be paid attention to in this traditional house, you can't just make it, because the slope and shape of this house has its own meaning, if I look at this house directly, it has its own complexities. , cool architecture, and ornaments to the area that still survive from the roof to the pillars of the house, and for information this Karo cultural custom house is usually inhabited by 8 families, I want to tell you, but I'm afraid of being wrong and that means I hurt the feelings of this tribe, leave them with their culture. What is clear is that this house has a unique and full traditional design, I hope it inspires and does not become extinct by the times.

until here first, friend, thank you for dropping by at my post. I hope in the future I can give more of the best about architecture. warm greetings from us Tomi and Maya from Binjai City, Indonesia


I also live in north sumatera yet i have never even heard about gugung. Thank yoh for sharing, it makes menwant to explore more about my own culture.

Thank you. thank you this is the house in the courtyard of the avilla church in Berastagi

Hello @maytom. The roof profiles of those Batak houses are really impressive and eye-catching! They are the first impressions that catch you when approaching the structure. I'm truly glad your local community was able to preserve its heritage architecture for the present and future generations to admire, study, and be grateful for. 😊

Are the floor areas for these Batak houses typical in size or are there much larger or smaller spaces depicting the same design style?

there.. each room has its own function according to their position in the family.. such as the daughter's room, the parents' room and the married child's room. sorry we took so long to reply.

 2 years ago  

Congratulations @maytom! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #84. More power!


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Thank you so much for supporting us again @aplusd

 2 years ago  

Hello @maytom. You are most welcome! 😀