Windmill design at the New Lake Toba tourist attraction.

in Architecture+Design2 years ago

Evening everyone who is in this community, I hope you are fine and that the weather that accompanies us today is also sunny according to the state of our hearts. See you again today from Indonesia who will tell you many things and all very significant changes, starting from the political temperature, education, business world, fashion and all fields. There are changes that occur to a more positive image and some are experiencing setbacks. But that's life, everything is like a wheel that keeps turning. Cool... that's my opening remark.

If you are on vacation to Indonesia, especially North Sumatra Province, you have to take a vacation to Lake Toba, you will never be said to be on vacation if you don't set foot and enjoy the beauty of Lake Toba. Lake Toba is one of the largest lakes in Southeast Asia, many districts are passed by Lake Toba and all districts have their own charm in capturing the beauty of Lake Toba, and of course the people around Lake Toba are also busy. beautify their area and open an attractive business in order to bring in many local and foreign tourists.

Likewise with the location I visited, without realizing that time was changing very quickly. When we visited this location one year ago this location was still a bush and had not been processed by the owner. All are free to take pictures here and capture the view of Lake Toba to their heart's content. However, in the past few months, it turns out that the shrubs that used to have no economic value have now become viral news on social media because of the beauty and uniqueness of the photo spots they sell to visitors. There are so many unique and interesting photo spots with cool designs and the right choice of materials that make this place very worthy to be explored.

This place will actually be built as a resort but there are still many things that have not been completed, so this place is still enjoyed as a Café and this Café is known as Loken Bern which is located in Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province. LOken Bern is located on an area of ​​almost 1 hectare with so many unique buildings that I can peel for reference, friends, if you want to make a business in your area and can progress like the one in LOken Bern. and tonight I will review one of the photo spots in this location.

This Photo Spot is the first photo spot that we encounter at the beginning of entering the entrance ticket gate. This building is designed to resemble a Dutch windmill with a design not forgetting the local touch. This building consists of 3 floors and the photo of myself that I took is on the 2nd floor. And it turns out that this building is the residence of the manager and his family. Climb the stairs to the 2nd floor, the walls of the building are made of real natural stone with very little varnish so it is really very natural. In every corner of the wall is decorated with one window with a box design that looks ordinary but this becomes even cooler if it is aligned with all the designs of this building. The floor on the 2nd floor is made of ceramic with a colored wood pattern so that it has a classic impression while the barrier is made with iron which has a neutral color, namely white.

The roof of this building is made of black asbestos zinc with iron blades which are only accessories or complements without any function. Satisfied with exploring the second floor, we went down to the 1st floor, which has a much more classic design with specially made poles from Jepara teak wood. Actually this is a forbidden room for visitors to enter because this is a private room for the owner of this Bern Loken. but I managed to capture every corner without a fuss of course..ha..,ha.

At each pole will be installed lighting lamps that function as decorations with a full classic design. The roof of this first floor is also very sturdy by still using teak wood which is beautified with classic brown wood paint. This first floor consists of 4 rooms and one relaxing room on the terrace. The outer floor of the first floor is made of wood motif ceramic which has a much smaller size than the one on the 2nd floor.

What do you think, did you get inspiration from my writing tonight? Oh yeah, I didn't review the 3rd floor because I didn't know what was in it. so I won't be able to answer if you ask about the 3rd floor yach. That was our post tonight, hopefully it can be an inspiration and get to know my area better. Greetings from us, Tomi and Maya from BINjai City, Indonesia


This makes me remember my long-time dream of visiting the Netherlands, I love the windmill, and I bet you guys enjoyed your visit there.

nothing is impossible, hopefully your dream will come true soon to visit the Netherlands

For me it is undoubtedly an inspiring building, at least in my country I have not yet seen something as unique as this so I feel it is a great way that through a structure come to the country and external cities more visitors who can enjoy this ingenuity.

Thank you for showing this unique detail of Indonesia.

Where is your country? in Indonesia nowadays almost all tourist objects make the same thing.. always follow the example.. ha. Ha

Venezuela Located in American territory, even so it is very special that you can share your experience with this great structure

Wow Venezuela is a very beautiful country..

I like the black roof of the lighthouse, what material will it be?

The pergola that surrounds the structure is exceptional, is the translucent material glass or plastic?


This building material is made of translucent glass

Thank you!!

Hello @maytom. That's certainly a cool windmill concept for a cafe! Since Indonesia used to be Dutch colony, it would not be a surprise to witness their architectural themes there. 👍

See, if we neglect nature then it would be impossible to enjoy what Lake Toba has to offer now. Hopefully, they will continue to nurture the surrounding environment for future generations to fully experience. 😊

You mentioned in your post that the building's roof is made of black asbestos zinc. Isn't asbestos supposed to be a hazardous and poisonous material for human health? Let's ask the professional advice of @doriangel about this too. Perhaps she can share some ideas here.

Hello @maytom , @storiesoferne . This structure is great, I have not had the opportunity to see a windmill in person, thank you very much for sharing it.

This is the first time I know of black zinc asbestos. It looks very different from the asbestos they used here, which is thicker sheets, it looks like asphalt mantle . Yes, unfortunately, everything that contains asbestos, is negative for health, according to many studies, maybe, the black asbestos used in that mill, does not have so much proportion of asbestos or is built with another technology. I hope that it is not causing a big problem and that its exposure is minimal or that at least other measures have been taken into account, such as a false sky for example.

On the other hand, I think it is wonderful that they are building a resort, this will bring many positive things. I will continue to look into black asbestos. Perhaps it is known by another name here. Thank you for taking me into consideration and many blessings to both of you.

wow. this is really good input... your knowledge in this area is really appreciated.. I didn't think about the impact there. Thank you for your input

Thank you @doriangel for your professional observations and recommendations. That roofing material probably requires further investigation to prevent unwanted health hazards. 😊

wow. thank you for knowing my history .. and thank you for providing suggestions and constructive input ..thank you for your comment @storiesoferne

With great pleasure @maytom. Still learning more about your country's interesting history, culture, and most importantly, architecture.

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