Wisma Sebayak: cheap luxury camping at the foot of Mount PAROPO.

in Architecture+Design2 years ago (edited)

Good night. in the rain that is hitting my city now, in the midst of this cold I will still share my experience of staying at Wisma Sebayak which is located in North Sumatra at the bottom of the Paropo hills. I deliberately raised this guesthouse because I consider this guesthouse to be unique in some of its designs, even though the garden design or outside design is less lively but the building of this guesthouse deserves to be taken into account to attract tourists to stay at this guesthouse.

In addition to attracting tourists, Wisma Sibayak also installs room rates that are not expensive, room rates of standard types start from Rp. 200,000 up to Rp. 800,000. the highest price is the price of the Family room where we can bring 6-7 people with 2 rooms 4 beds, the price is cheap enough to get good facilities at this favorite tourist attraction in Sumatra, with standard prices that are as cheap as that you don't need afraid of running out of your money for sure, even if you are a backpacker you can invite your friends because the standard room also has 2 beds available.

Besides having a unique design and low price, this guesthouse has a Camping Glamor concept which is currently a trend among young people, even the elderly are very supportive of this trend. Directly under the foothills of the Paropo hill, the rooms at this guesthouse are designed in harmony to be one with nature and balance the glamorous camping theme. The rooms at Wisma Sebayak are made to resemble a Gazebo House made of sturdy forest woods so that they can last longer then the wood is painted using wood base paint, which is brown then varnished to lightning so that the impression of the rooms the guesthouse looks more luxurious, modern but doesn't leave a traditional impression.

The interior of the pole lamps in the guest house rooms are also chosen to match the existing theme. I really like the design of the decorative lights that have been chosen to seem classic, but if you look at it longer, these lights are not far from modern, I'm sure the person who made this design is very neat and very detailed so that it takes into account the little things that sometimes the guests also will not pay attention to this, on the terraces of the rooms are also provided lounge chairs which once again harmonize with the theme because the chairs are made of rattan with the selection of shapes and paint colors that are calculated in detail so that everything is mixed into one until form a cool harmony.

Not only that, these rooms are beautified with a roof that is deliberately made of black zinc asbestos so that the mixed color harmony really looks very luxurious to conclude that this guesthouse has a modern building with a classic luxurious impression in it, the selection of stairs and the interior of the building that I saw at a glance exceeded my expectations while staying at this guesthouse.

Almost 80 percent of the rooms in this guesthouse use wood with a little additional cement material that is shaped like stone to strengthen the foundation of the Gazebo room. The shape of the windows, doors and borders on the terrace are also made in great detail with a semi-classical concept, in front of the room there is a small garden that can be seen while we are enjoying a cup of coffee, breathing in the fresh mountain air and soaking in the slight breeze that hits the skin. , really the perfect guesthouse to complete our vacation or for a place to escape from all the activities that pile up or treat a broken heart and just want to be quiet with a rural atmosphere, so this place is highly recommended.

What do you think about this homestead? Is your opinion the same as mine that this place is highly recommended and the design is very unique to get Appreciation? Greetings from us Tomi and Maya from Binjai City, Indonesia


It's really a very nice wooden architecture, but it would be great if you show the interior of the room and also the furniture in it,,

thanks for the good advice @lancang

Hello @maytom. Glamping or what we refer to as "Glamorous Camping" has been becoming a global trend especially in areas where nature is abundant such as beaches or mountain regions. Instead of spending too much cash on luxurious hotels, these glamping sites are more practical, comfortable, and budget-friendly. 😊

It would have been better also if you captured photos of the room interiors, as per the suggestion of @lancang. But if you have some pictures, would you mind sharing them here in the comments?


One of the rooms is permanent.. Our room actually forgot we documented it

Cool! Their interior space also looks warm and cozy - an important requirement for a nature-inspired vacation. I think the adventurous experiences of Glamping have a bright future. Do you think so too @maytom?

yes that's right, especially around Lake Toba.. glamping is still very rare.. this is a good investment, but whatever the strength is.. it takes a lot of funds😭😭😭😭😭

Yes, you have a great point @maytom. But as long as there's a will, there's always a way, right? Glamping and other luxurious camping activities may not be for everyone, yet you had the chance to experience it and live to tell the tale. Have a nice one! 😊

everything starts from a dream.. life is like a wagon wheel.. success is always for us. @storiesoferne

thank you. I will show you the picture, but please be patient @storiesoferne

Hi @maytom! Spectacular site, a wonder to stay there. Congratulations

Thank you for your comment @tiaene

Those are some beautiful shapes of the roof.
Congrats on wonderful article. Keep sharing @maytom

thank you, your work is also good @sahiba-rana

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Oh my, I love those rooms, they are so beautiful. If ever I have the means I will build one of those.

now the house is available, so it's like that, all that's left is the funds that need to be prepared