Shadow Hunters Community Contest - Round 218

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago (edited)

I wanted to participate in this week's Shadow Hunters Community Contest - Round 218 this week, but I've had some problems.
I don't know if I'm on time yet, but I'll upload this picture anyway.

Quería participar esta semana en el Shadow Hunters Community Contest - Round 218, pero he tenido algunos problemas.
No sé si estoy a tiempo aún, pero de todas formas subiré esta fotografía.


It is simply a toy turtle, which is swimming in a container of water. That's where the shadow of this one is created.
I thought it was a pretty nice shadow so I wanted to upload it to the community.

Simplemente es una tortuga de juguete, la cual está nadando en un recipiente con agua. Es ahí donde se crea la sombra de esta.
Me pareció una sombra bastante bonita por eso quise subirla a la comunidad.

Alejandralita (1).png


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 105 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

This is a great shadow photo and you entered in plenty of time! Thanks for entering the shadow contest!