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RE: Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest WINNERS- Round 307

in Shadow Hunters4 months ago

Congratulations to the winners🏆🥇 of shadowhunters round 307: @duskobgd, @gunting, @mysteriousroad, @hjrrodriguez, @ekavieka, @damelysh, @lesmann, @golden.future, @blanca56, @asgharali.
Honorable mentions: @aideleijoie, @adinapoli6, @yoieuqudniram.
Thank you @melinda010100 and your team.


Muchas gracias a todos por ésta distinción!!! Estoy súper feliz 😄 mil gracias

@sagarkothari88 reward 0.05 HP

sagarkothari88 sent 0.050 HIVE to you @damelysh

Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️

Congratulations to you!
@sagarkothari88 reward 0.05 HP

sagarkothari88 sent 0.050 HIVE to you @blanca56

Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️