Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 160

in Shadow Hunters3 months ago

Hi dear Hivers, it's been a long time I'm back with this great contest. It was my favorite contest on my earlier days on Hive. And today I would like to present some photos I took of Dak Ke lake in early morning. Dak Ke lake lies silently among the green pine forests, is inherently a majestic and magnificent natural picture. But when dawn comes, that moment becomes even more magical because of the reflections on the lake surface, creating a breathtakingly beautiful space.

Early in the morning, when the first light of the new day began to glimmer in the sky, the surface of Dak Ke lake gradually awakened after a long peaceful night. Sunlight reflecting on the calm water creates a vivid and colorful picture. That picture not only has the green of the mountains, the yellow of sunlight, the pink of cherry blossoms, but also the calmness and peace emanating from the natural beauty of the lake.

The lake water is as clear as a giant mirror, reflecting the image of the sky gradually changing from deep blue to pink, then shiny yellow, and finally the bright light of the sun. Not only that, the green pine forests surrounding the lake also appear vaguely, as if floating in mid-air, creating a magical scene.

The reflection photos on the surface of Dak Ke lake in the early morning are not only beautiful moments but also a testament to the majestic, magnificent and at the same time peaceful and rustic beauty of nature. They serve as a reminder of the harmony and balance between humans and nature, between busy life and quiet, peaceful moments.















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Beautiful reflections.. You're lucky to have such beautiful scenery..

Hey Jane, yes, I feel lucky to live in a beautiful place too.

How are you dear friend @dodovietnam good morning
How good it is to see you again in the community sharing these beautiful natural shots of reflections
Great shots, appreciate you showing us
have a wonderful day

Thank you very much dear friend. I love to travel around and take photos and I am so happy that people like my photos..

Excellent photography across the still water, deep shadow in the forest enough lighting to create brilliant scene.

Yes, I think the best time to take photos is in early morning when the light is perfect and the water surface is calm.

Delightful when close to water to get up early and watch the sunrise.

It's beautiful, super.

Thank you very much

Every your picture is stunning 😍! I am always very glad to see you in the contest, @dodovietnam !LUV

dodovietnam, olgavita sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Thank you very much dear friend. You did a great job to maintain the contest and make a big contribution to the community.

This is a very lovely entry

Thank you very much dear friend.

The reflection images are all so beautiful. Great captures!

Thank you very much and have a nice day.

The water is Crystal clear
The green pine Forest surrending the Dark Ke lake is very captivating, what a peaceful moment out there.
Amazing photos

Yes you're right I had a wonderful morning at the lake and I was lucky to be there at the right time.

That was greatly great

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

These are really perfect entries that helps to set things on. These are really great pictures

Your photos are amazing, you have a special way of taking photos.

These are really beautiful reflections