Curation Report for Shadow Hunters Community #11

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago

Hello Friends!


@nelinoeva here to present highlights of the curated posts this week.

It is a great pleasure to share the posts that has been rewarded by the OCD team. If you put extra effort to create quality post while submitting for the Shadow or Reflection hunters contests you have a chance to be nominated, get bigger votes and your post to be featured in our curation report.

Our curation team is looking for outstanding posts deserving that extra boost for their creators. We are looking for original content and plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Here are the shadow and reflection hunters who received the OCD upvote. Take a time to check their posts and give your support.

Reflection Hunters Round 20

[ENG-ESP] Shadow Hunters Contest Round 172 | Mathias entre Sombras

My Entry for the Shadow Hunters Contest Round 172

Reflection Hunters Contest Round 20 Entry ~ A Slice Of Sky

Crows on a car: My entry to the Round 20 Reflection Hunters Contest

Entry for the Shadow Contest. Shadow Hunters Contest Round 173

as you will see the shadows in the sea of the people who enjoy the goodness of the sea.

Entry for the Shadow Hunters Contest Round 173 | The Stairs That Breathe [ENG/ESP]

Reflection Hunters It’s been a while!!! So here we go again.

Shadow Hunters Contest Round # 173: In the Shadow of the Mills

entry sh 173 titled: the sciography of comparative cyclology

Shadow on the fence

"Sun Is Not Round" - Reflection Hunters Contest #20

If you wish to be included into next curation report, grab or camera or smartphone, go hunting for shadows and reflections and make a post worth for curation. Our OCD curator @galenkp and community leader @melinda010100 will be looking for the outstanding posts to nominate.

One photo post will not be submitted for nomination. We focus on quality posts, so show us your original work, be creative, tell us more about your photos. You must post directly into the Communty. You can also create shadow photo or reflection photo post out of the contests.

We are looking forward to seeing your new posts!

Big thank you @ocd team for the great support

Happy shadow and reflection hunting!

All comments written on Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, and Ladies of Hive Community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.



banners by shasta

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Image credit @brittandjosie


Thanks so much! Really appreciate it.

You are welcome, keep up the good work.

Thank-you very much and congratulations to all the winners and participants. Beautiful shots

Most welcome. You have so wonderful posts.

Thank you for appreciating my work and choosing a photo.

Welcome! You alsways have fantastic photos.

Thank you!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 60 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

I'm a bit confused, where can I submit my entry for the shadow contest.
there's a lot of posts and I'm confused

There are 3 active contests in the Shadow Hunters Community. Shadows, Reflections and Guess the Shadow. They are all pinned in the community and you are welcome to enter all of them.

Thank you so much! 😊🙌✨🖤

Most welcome! Hope to see more wonderful posts from you.

I love seeing all of these beautiful photos showcased in the curation report! Congrats to everyone who received nice rewards from OCD!
Thanks for gathering all these posts together @nelinoeva!

As always the pleasure is all mine to put them together.

Super awesome curated entries. Congratulations to everyone whose post made it this week. Super great job @nelinoeva and @melinda010100.

Thank you my friend. ☺

Thank you for the honor

Most welcome, honour is ours.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful curation and for the recognition!

And thank you for these wonderful shots.

Hello dear friend @nelinoeva good night
The posts they present are getting better and better. congratulations to everyone, especially the winners
@seckorama @ belkisa758 @nataliaeline @deerjay @corvidae @ antikus369 @silviastancione @ricardomello @ zo3d @ juancar347 @eolianpariah @apnigrich @steemflow
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night

The posts and photos are getting better and better and I love so much to view them.

Hey! (;; thanks for supporting

Most welcome!

It's good to be in the company of such beautiful photos. Thanks for mention me, @hive-179017. 😎 👏 !PIZZA



@hive-179017! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @seckorama.

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You are welcome!

Thank you @nelinoeva and @hive-179017 for these highlights! Thanks also to the OCD curators @galenkp and @melinda010100! Additionally, (as mentioned in the post) a big thank you to the @ocd Team! Congratulations to all of the wonderful authors!! 💖

Most welcome @deerjay! Always a pleasure to view your posts.