Shadow Hunters Contest WINNERS Round 171

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago

Congrats to all Winners! Another very successful shadow hunt!

🌞All winners were chosen from the entry links on the contest post🌞.

Each winner will receive 2 Hive this week and an entry into @pixresteemer's Re-hive contest.
✴️Each winner will receive 100 POINTS from @ecency ✴️

The Shadow Contest WINNERS

-In no particular order. Everyone is an equal winner!





















Reminder- post the link to your entry photo onto the contest post! HERE


All comments written on my posts, and any posts in Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, and Ladies of Hive Community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.




Make a shadowy guess in the contest hosted by @eolianpariah!

🌞Guess the Shadow🌞

When you are out Shadow Hunting, remember to go Reflection Hunting and enter @annephilbrick 's contest, too!

Reflection Hunters contest

img_0.3658591587697289.jpg image by @brittandjosie

Join the Shadow Hunters Community

Partnered with ARCHON
Comment and earn tokens!
Supported by @pixresteemer

Sponsored by Ecency

Supported by OCD



by @barbara-orenya

Join the FEATHER FRIENDS Community

Enter the Show Me A Photo contest by @nelinoeva

Partnered with ARCHON
Comment and earn tokens!

Supported by Ecency

Supported by OCD


Partnered with ARCHON

Comment and earn tokens!

Posted using Ecency Love


Thanks so much Shadows Hunters community, i have been chosen as one of the winners of the contest , thank you again and God bless us all

Congratulations to you! 🏆

how are you dear friend @hjrrodriguez good night
you have done a great job. Congratulations

Thanks so much my friend for your congrats

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Good night dear Shadowhunter friends
How beautiful the photographs selected this week
congratulations to everyone who participated, especially the winners.
@nataliaeline @kamrunnahar @sgbonus @jahidvor @evagavilan2 @antikus369 @hjrrodriguez @seckorama @mituabida @juancar347

I wish you all a splendid night and a well-deserved rest.

Thank you!

Thank you so much! I feel very Happy for being one of the winners 😁 This is a great collection of cool Shadow photos. Congrats to the other winners and all the participants. Thank you again! 🖤✨

It is fun to see a selection of great shadow photos all together! Congrats on having yours here this week, too! 🏆

Hello dear friend @nataliaeline good evening
Congratulations on your beautiful shadow image

Hello thank you very much for your comment 😁✨ Hope you're having a wonderful day

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 57 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thanks Pix!

Hey @pixresteemer, here is a little bit of BEER from @melinda010100 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

These are good shadow photos.
Congratuations to the winners

Thanks for your support!

Thank-you very much and my congratulations to all the winners and participants

Congrats to you! 🏆

Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points, by @melinda010100.
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Congratulations to the winners.

Thanks for all your support! ❤️

Thank you for appreciating my work and choosing a photo.
Reblog and upvote.

Thanks so much and congrats to you! 🏆

Love ❤️ it
Proud of you @jahidvor

Indeed! It is a great shadow photo!

Congratuations to the winners

Appreciate your support!

Wow great selection of winners lovely shadows

Thanks for the support! ❤️

Congrats to the winners...

Whew what awesome winning entries. Congratulations to all the winners. Well deserved win. We meet again for Round 172! See you there.

Here is my entry for shadows hunters contest 72: