Concurso Cazadores de Sombras/SMASh-Ronda 299//Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest-Round 299[ESP/ENG]

in Shadow Hunters6 months ago

Hola feliz y bendecido día para toda la familia de @hive. Al Concurso cazadores-Sombras. A mi querida amiga @melinda010100, por este maravilloso concurso. No me cansaré de agradecerte. Me siento muy como toda una cazadora de sombra.
Gracias por leerme

Esta es una sombra que tome en un paseo por Caracas. Esta vez andábamos por la Avenida Libertador muy famosa. En esta oportunidad íbamos por debajo. No fue fácil tomar la foto porque íbamos en marcha y tuve que tomar varias para poder logran una buena y aquí se las dejo. Vemos las columnas reflejadas en el muro y en la calle, también se logra ver unos árboles que hay arriba y se ve también la sombra en el muro.

Esta es mi sombra para la ronda 299.

Gracias por leer mi blog
La foto fue tomada con mi móvil Tecno Spark



Hello happy and blessed day to all the @hive family. To the Shadow-hunters Contest. To my dear friend @melinda010100, for this wonderful contest. I will never get tired of thanking you. I feel very much like yoda a shadow hunter.

This is a shadow I took on a walk in Caracas. This time we were walking along the very famous Avenida Libertador. This time we were walking underneath. It was not easy to take the picture because we were on the move and I had to take several pictures to get a good one and here they are. We can see the columns reflected on the wall and on the street, we can also see some trees above and the shadow on the wall.
This is my shadow for round 299

Thanks for reading my blog
The picture was taken with my Tecno Spark cell phone


What a beautiful pattern of shadows this structure gives, dear friend @jaci11, how good that despite the movement, you got a good shot. I appreciate that you let us know this photograph of shadows
Have a great day

Hi @jlufer. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you liked it. And notice that now as you say. They know a little bit of Venezuela for those who are not from here and have not come either and for those who are from here in Venezuela. It is useful to remember. And there is a saying that we say here: To remember is to live!

You have done very well, keep it up.

I love how the Shadow is on the street and continue up the wall!


Wave Media


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