Reflection Hunting on a Friday Afternoon (ReflectionHunters)

in Shadow Hunters24 days ago
Bienvenidos a todos mis amigos y seguidores de esta maravillosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  que alegría que haya llegado el fin de semana, y nos reunamos en este genial lugar para acompañar a nuestra amiga @olgavita en este esplendido ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  una genial iniciativa o mejor dicho, una buena excusa para salir a caminar mientras hacemos una ¨cacería¨ de ¨reflejos¨

Source: Family Álbum

Welcome to all my friends and followers of this wonderful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  what a joy that the weekend has arrived, and we meet in this great place to accompany our friend @olgavita in this splendid ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  a great initiative or rather, a good excuse to go for a walk while we do a ¨ “reflex” hunt

Por muchos motivos personales ha sido una estresante semana, y necesitaba salir un poco de casa para despejar la mente y aclarar un poco las ideas. Aquellos que viven en Argentina entenderán cuando digo que las cosas aquí están muy complicadas, sobre todo para aquellos que no tenemos un ingreso mensual. Esta semana han llegado las ¨facturas¨ de ¨servicios¨ que nunca en mi vida has pagado algo tan costo, es increíble que una factura de agua, algo tan esencial, tengas que abonar el valor de $ 16.0000 pesos, y cuando ves el desglose de la futura te das cuenta que solo $ 1600 pesos es tu consumo de agua, y el resto son impuestos y valores agregados. Mi país es cosa seria

Source: Family Álbum

For many personal reasons it has been a stressful week, and I needed to get out of the house a little to clear my mind and clarify my ideas a little. Those who live in Argentina will understand when I say that things here are very complicated, especially for those of us who do not have a monthly income. This week the "invoices" for "services" have arrived that you have never paid for something so expensive in my life, it is incredible that a water bill, something so essential, you have to pay the value of $16,0000 pesos, and when you see the breakdown In the future you realize that only $1,600 pesos is your water consumption, and the rest are taxes and added values. My country is serious

Ayer por la tarde, y una vez que bajo un poco el sol, salimos rumbo a la ciudad, mientras nos desplazábamos en el bus pensaba a donde ir para pasar la bien, fue cuando consulte con mi nieta Abigail donde ir, como era de esparar, ella respondió que hay un lugar precioso en la costa donde nos podemos sentar y disfrutar de las embarcaciones que pasan por la orilla del rio

Source: Family Álbum

Yesterday afternoon, and once the sun went down a little, we left for the city, while we were traveling on the bus I was thinking about where to go to have a good time, that's when I consulted with my granddaughter Abigail where to go, as expected, she responded that there is a beautiful place on the coast where we can sit and enjoy the boats that pass by the riverbank

Que lugar tan encantador al que nos llevó mi nieta, para ser totalmente sincero, disfrute mucho estar sentado en el banco de hierro, y aunque no era tan cómodo para mi gusto, disfrute mucho ver a lo lejos al agua correr. Aproveché este momento de tranquilidad para ver si podíamos matar dos pájaros de un tiro, si bien vi algunos hermosos reflejos en el agua, no era lo que estaba buscando para el concurso

Source: Family Álbum

What a lovely place my granddaughter took us to, to be completely honest, I really enjoyed sitting on the iron bench, and although it wasn't that comfortable for my taste, I really enjoyed seeing how far the water runs. I took advantage of this quiet moment to see if we could kill two birds with one stone, although I saw some beautiful reflections in the water, it was not what I was looking for for the contest

Por suerte no tuvimos que caminar mucho para dar con los reflejos que era de mi agrado, a unos quinientos metros de donde estábamos este gran edificio llamo mi atención, ya saben que cuando veo un edificio me tengo que detener para observarlo, y fue cuando vi el reflejo para el concurso, tome nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨, y comencé a disparar en esa dirección, y estos son los resultados de estas tomas, Me gusto tanto como se veía el reflejo de la maquina en los vidrios de ese edificio evitar no hacer más tomas de esos geniales reflejos

Source: Family Álbum

Luckily we didn't have to walk far to find the reflections that I liked, about five hundred meters from where we were this large building caught my attention, you know that when I see a building I I have to stop to observe it, and that was when I saw the reflection for the contest, I took our camera ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨, and I started shooting in that direction, and these are the results of these shots, I liked how much the reflection of the machine in the windows of that building avoid not taking more shots of those great reflections


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


Wow you captured the perfect reflections coming from that tall building that is covered in reflective glass mirrors; very nice post.

How are you, dear friend @revolverocelotyt, good morning. Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs, you are very kind. Have a great weekend.

I think your entry deserves to be on top spot position to win the whole reflection hunter competition and also may be it is eligible for "Hall of fame" of best ever reflection photo really am not buttering I think this building reflection is very unique.

Thank you very much for your words, it is a great motivation, you are very kind
Have a wonderful weekend

#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Que vistas tan espectaculares! Maravillosas y ese agua con las palmeras, me encanta!

Ahora el reflejo en el edificio es super bueno, es como que está dentro del mismo. Muy buenas tomas @jlufer, que tengas un gran día!😃

nuestra costanera esta cada vez mas hermosa, cada vez la disfruto mas, siempre podemos hacer fotografias bonitas para enseñarselas a ustedes
El reflejo del edificio me parecio muy hermoso, me gusta mucho ka combinacion de colores
Muchas gracias querida amiga @avdesing por tus amables palabras, que tengas un hermosa tarde

Si, lo colores son hermosos y te agradezco traigas siempre estos espacios, conozco un poco más. Que termines muy bien el día @jlufer

Yes, that place we visited is beautiful, and we had a great time, your photographs are beautiful.

The truth is you shined with the place you chose to visit, I really liked it

Wow bro, there are definitely weeks of weeks, I hope everything calms down little by little. The good thing is that you always look for ways to de-stress and in fact you even vent here on your blog, I like that you don't keep those bad times to yourself. The photos are very nice, it's good that the places you frequent allow you to create content constantly. Happy Saturday, a hug for you!...

There have been many things that I had to overcome, and that always leaves a residue of stress, and that is why you have to have physical places to visit so you can distract your mind and minimize the impact of adversities.
Over the years one learns to channel things, and realizes that having a space like hive is very good for grounding and sharing a little of the load that one carries on one's back.
A big hug for you, and enormous love for the whole family, dear friend @jesuslnrs

Thank you dear friends

who framed roger rabbit crying GIF


Thank you very much dear friend
have a great day