This week the reflections have not been long in coming (ReflectionHunters)

in Shadow Hunters15 days ago (edited)
Hola apasionados amigos de esta maravillosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  feliz de contar con fotografías de reflejos para acompañar a nuestra amiga @olgavita en su genial ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  una iniciativa que espero con ansias toda la semana, lo que hace que el día sábado también sea parte de mis días favoritos

Source: Family Álbum

Hello passionate friends of this wonderful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  happy to have reflection photographs to accompany our friend @olgavita in her great ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  an initiative that I look forward to all week, which makes Saturday also part of my favorite days

Hace algunos días tuve que visitar la ciudad para pedir turno en el laboratorio, dado que tengo que hacer un análisis complejo para ver cómo está el nivel de la ¨diabetes¨; cómo este es uno de los pocos sitios que hacen este tipo de estudio, salimos de casa bien temprano para ser unos de los primeros. Lo cierto es que era muy temprano y había tiempo de sobra para ser unos de los primeros, por eso aprovechamos para bajarnos del autobús un par de paradas después de lo acostumbrado

Source: Family Álbum

A few days ago I had to visit the city to make an appointment at the laboratory, since I have to do a complex analysis to see what the level of "diabetes" is; Since this is one of the few places that do this type of study, we left home very early to be one of the first. The truth is that it was very early and there was plenty of time to be one of the first, so we took the opportunity to get off the bus a couple of stops later than usual

La idea era regresar caminado a la vera del rio y hacer algunas fotografías para mis post, además, teníamos la intención de ver si realmente el otoño se hacía presente y se podía ver su efecto en las ramas de los árboles o en la hojas amarillentas caídas en el asfalto, nada de eso sucedió, si bien el clima es un poco fresco cuando esta al sol es muy agradable, los árboles no se han enterado que ya llego el otoño, dado de que hay algunos que todavía tienen flores y la mayoría aún conservan sus ramas cubiertas de hojas

Source: Family Álbum

The idea was to walk back to the riverside and take some photographs for my posts. In addition, we had the intention of seeing if autumn was really present and we could see its effect on the branches of the trees or in the yellowish leaves fallen on the asphalt, none of that happened, although the weather is a little cool when it is in the sun it is very pleasant, the trees have not realized that autumn has already arrived, since There are some that still have flowers and most still have their branches covered in leaves

Hicimos muchas fotografías preciosas del rio a pesar de que no habíamos caminado tanto, este día todo se veía precioso y fotografiamos cada cosa que ha llamado nuestra atención. En unos diez minutos de caminatas ya estábamos en la puerta del ¨estudio¨¨clínico¨ y solo teníamos dos personas antes, lo que hizo que sacar turno fuera muy rápido. El turno es para este próximo martes lo que es genial, ya que vamos a provechar para ver si finalmente podemos ver el otoño en las ramas de los árboles

Source: Family Álbum

We took many beautiful photographs of the river even though we had not walked that much, this day everything looked beautiful and we photographed everything that caught our attention. In about ten minutes of walking we were already at the door of the “clinical studio” and we only had two people before us, which made getting an appointment very quick. The turn is for this coming Tuesday which is great, since we are going to take advantage to see if we can finally see autumn in the branches of the trees

Al salir del ¨laboratorio¨ los reflejos no se han hecho esperar, ya que justo en frente había automóviles estacionados donde se apreciaban árboles y grandes edificios reflejados en sus vidrios. Como siempre estamos preparado con nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ pudimos hacer varias tomas a estos reflejos, y unos metros más adelante vinos una ventana reflejando un colorido edificio. A tan solo unos metros de allí, vimos esta puerta vidriada de un comercio donde se puede ver a la abuela Gaby, haciendo fotografías para su nieta @abihive (@miprimerconcirso) y que pueda utilizar en sus posts

Source: Family Álbum

When leaving the “laboratory”, the reflections were not long in coming, since right in front there were parked cars where trees and large buildings could be seen reflected in their windows. As always we are prepared with our camera "nikoncoolpixb500" we were able to take several shots of these reflections, and a few meters later came a window reflecting a colorful building. Just a few meters from there, we saw this glass door of a business where you can see grandmother Gaby, taking photographs for her granddaughter @abihive (@miprimerconcirso) and that she can use in her posts


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

La que más me gustó fue el reflejo de la naturaleza sobre los cristales del auto, es genial! Hay que estar atentos para verlas y captarlas. Que tengas un día genial @jlufer 😃

Como estas querida amiga @avdesing buen dia
Esas fotografias de reflejos del automovil estan geniales, a mi tambien me encantarons estas tomas de la naturaleza reflejada
Eres genial, aprecio mucho el gran apoyo que me brindas a diario
Que pases un excelente dia

Es un placer pasar por acá! Que tengas muy bonito día!

Good Morning Smile GIF


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How are you dear friend, good morning, thank you very much.
Have a beautiful day

Nice pictures, dear friend @jlufer ❤️! I hope that everything with your health is OK.

Hello dear friend @olgavita good morning
Yes, my health is fine, now I am resuming medical studies to see how everything is going.
Thank you very much for your empathy, you are very kind
have a wonderful weekend

I am glad to hear that you are well !LUV

jlufer, olgavita sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

I really like to see the reflection of my beautiful grandmother, beautiful photograph

Yes, it has been a beautiful day for reflection photographs, we took many beautiful shots
Your grandmother always great

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Good afternoon dear friends, thank you very much for appreciating and supporting my posts, you are very kind. I wish you all a great day

Thank you so much