Reflections around the "Situation Kunst Kubus - Bochum" is my entry for Reflection hunterst round 104

in Shadow Hunterslast year (edited)

Last weekend we were again in the "Situation Kunst-Kubus" to see a photo exhibition.


The weather was perfect to catch some reflections of the interesting architecture of the modern cube in the ruins of "Haus Weitmar".


The cube is a building of the Ruhr University Bochum for exhibitions and seminars. In the Cafe "Baristoteles" you can eat cake and enjoy the in-house coffee roasting. And admire a small coffee machine exhibition.







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Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank You @brumest for the support @qurator project! 🙏

It is an excellent entry ❤️! Thank you @photowanze for sharing with us.

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how are you dear friend @photowanze good afternoon
What a beautiful place to visit, I love period buildings and their beautiful reflections. excellent photographs

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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