Lucky for me | A mi suerte. Poema [Eng/Esp]

in Literatos7 months ago (edited)

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The problem is not treated,
of not being with someone,
or the fact of being abandoned,
The problem is that I have no luck,
I have never had it,
neither good nor bad,
and if they abandon me to my fate,
you leave me in the same place,
I think even worse,
more sad and alone than ever,
Mrs. Luck has been an indifferent being,
could be said without fear,
that she has applied the silent treatment,
a policy of continued contempt,
and I'm not a masochist,
Of course I don't trust her,
She has given me plenty of reasons to doubt,
so please,
abandon me in other ways,
invent one if you want,
But don't leave it to my luck.



El problema no se trata,
de no estar con alguien,
o el hecho de ser abandonado,
el problema es que no tengo suerte,
nunca la he tenido,
ni buena ni mala,
y si me abandonas a mi suerte,
me dejas en las mismas,
creo que hasta peor,
más íngrimo y sólo que nunca,
la señora suerte ha sido un ser indiferente,
podría decirse sin temor,
que ha aplicado la ley del hielo,
una política de desprecio continuado,
y yo no soy masoquista,
claro que no confío en ella,
me ha dado razones de sobra para dudar,
así que por favor,
abandoname de otras maneras,
inventa una si quieres,
pero no lo hagas a mí suerte.



¡¡¡ Gracias por leer y apoyar !!!




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Disappointment in love is painful, unfulfilled hopes, unmet needs or even unreciprocated feelings. It gives sadness