Upside down balsamic tomato tarts

Upside down tarts are having a moment. They’re all over social media and my email inbox advertises sweet and savory versions everyday. That’s all good and well, I love tarts (who doesn’t), but the thing is amid the countless varieties, very few are vegan. So, I had to try a totally vegan tart to stay on trend and it worked out really tasty.

This recipe is super duper easy and a great goto on a busy weeknight when you’re just too done in to get dinner on the table. All you need is some frozen vegan puff pastry and a few ingredients you’ve probably got on hand. The only slightly unusual item is the balsamic reduction, but if you have balsamic vinegar, then it’s easy to make—simply simmer the vinegar over low heat in a saucepan until the vinegar reduces to a sticky consistency (yum).


  • Vegan puff pastry (be sure to check the label)
  • Balsamic reduction (or balsamic vinegar)
  • Sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds
  • Ripe Roma tomatoes (2 if you’re using a standard sheet of pastry)
  • Colorful baby pepper (I used 2)
  • A few sprigs of fresh thyme
  • Red chili flakes
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Defrost the frozen puff pastry and roll it out if you don’t like it too thick.

Cut it into squares with a pastry cutter or knife.

Line a baking sheet with silver foil and grease it well.

Using a cookie cutter mark out sections on the tray.

Spread a little balsamic reduction on the tray.

Sprinkle with sesame or pumpkin seeds.

Slice the tomatoes and julienne the peppers.

Stack the tomatoes and pepper strips on top of the reduction.

Flavor with a sprinkle of chili flakes, thyme, salt and black pepper.

Cover each stack with a section of puff pastry.

Punch holes into the top of the pastry with a fork.
Crimp the edges of the pastry with a fork.

Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.

Decorate with rocket and butter lettuce.




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Loved it! I've never tried this method before. It looks like a lot of fun; so many fillings can go into these pastries. Thank you so much for sharing this fun and healthy recipe, @itsostylish 😌💚🌿

You’re quite right, this is super fun and easy to make ❤️💕❤️🌱🌱🌱💕💕❤️

I like balsamic vinegar.. But haven't tried using it in a pastry...

I’m a balsamic vinegar addict. Hehe 😉 Give it a try it’s super tasty 😋 💕❤️💕❤️

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This is one of my favourite things but you took it to the next level with chili flakes and peppers😋.