Sweet potato compote: sweet food that can be enjoyed anytime

in Plant Power (Vegan)2 years ago

Hey good night and healthy greetings to all of us in this Community, what season is it in your country? Entering the month ending in Ber, such as September, October, November, December, Indonesia is entering the rainy season, even some cities in our country are experiencing flash floods, and I am grateful that where I live is far from mountains, the sea and is still in an area that is so high that we have never experienced a flood, hopefully never.. amen

And this afternoon also at my house the rain has not stopped, there are no activities outside the house that we can do, apart from playing social media and chatting with husbands, in an atmosphere like this, of course, my mouth wants to keep chewing and today my husband wants something sweet- sweet so that life tastes sweet, but because basically we don't really like sweet things so the sweetness is sweetness according to our tastes, and I'm sure many of my friends who are here also have tastes like me, want sweet with a certain degree of sweetness. maybe you can enjoy the menu of sweet foods with low levels by looking at your own reflection mirror so that it tastes even sweeter .. ha.. ha..

And this afternoon I will make yam compote and all the ingredients are readily available at my house so I don't need to spend extra money to make this yam compote, this menu is very simple with a fairly short cooking time. I really like to cook but I also get bored easily so all the menus that I cook have a high level of practicality for lazy people like me. And keep in mind that my recipe doesn't have a special measure, all of which I make according to my taste and my needs without exaggerating, because something that is too much is not good, right?

The materials needed are:

1. 500 grams of sweet potato (as needed)

2. 150 grams of palm sugar

3. 1.5 liters of coconut milk.

How to make

1. What is certain is peel the sweet potato first then cut it into several parts and then wash it clean

2. Prepare a pan and boil the sweet potatoes that have been cut and washed until slightly soft, about 10 minutes

3. While waiting for the sweet potatoes to be soft, we can prepare coconut milk, you can use instant coconut milk or from fresh coconut like me.

4. Then thinly slice the palm sugar so that it dissolves easily into the coconut milk.

5. After you add the soft sweet potatoes, add coconut milk, stir briefly and then add palm sugar, stirring constantly until the coconut milk boils

6. Ubi compote is finished. the stove can be turned off, the compote can be served

What do you think of my recipe today, how easy it is to make, right? If you have pandan leaves at home, you can add pandan leaves during the process of boiling the sweet potatoes or when you add coconut milk, so that the compote produced is more fragrant, but because at home I don't have pandan leaves so I make it from ingredients that are at home without reduce the taste of my food. And you can enjoy this compote at night, breakfast time or even in the afternoon, Hope you like my recipe, good luck and greetings from us Tomi and Maya from Binjai City, Indonesia



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