Vegan Pudding of "Maracuya" (passion fruit)


I have the privilege of having a "passion fruit" plant in front of my house, and it gives us many fruits.

That's why I decided to share with you the @plantpoweronhive community today a vegan pudding, made with this wonderful fruit.

The ingredients we will use are few and the process is simple, but it takes time.

I used 4 large "Maracuyas", 2 cups of sugar, and 100gr of cornstarch.


First cut the fruits in two, to extract the pulp from the 4 units. This way I had the pulp in one cup and the peels separated.


The shells are cooked in a pressure cooker for 15 minutes.


And, on the other hand, make a Maracuya juice. Place the fruit pulp in the food processor, and add only 2 cups of water, so as not to dilute its intense flavor. I turned on the processor for a few seconds, to prevent the seeds from breaking too much, the idea is to separate the pulp from the seeds. Then I poured it into a strainer and separated the juice from the seeds.



With the juice ready, and after previously washing the food processor container, place the juice in the food processor and add the 2 cups of sugar and the 100 gr of cornstarch and process for 1 minute until it is well integrated. This sweet juice with cornstarch, place in the pot that I will take to the fire later.



Now I turned my attention to the passion fruit shells, which were already cooked.

I removed them from the pot and went straight to the food processor, still hot. In the food processor add 2 cups of hot broth where the shells were cooked. Process for 30 seconds and pass it through a strainer.


This thick juice of the cooked husks, add to the pot where the sweet juice with cornstarch was, waiting to go to the fire.

I put the pot on the fire and stirred constantly until the mixture boils.


Then place in molds and refrigerate overnight.


The next day, it is firm and cold. And these are the results.



See you in the next post.

The photos were taken with my POCO X3 smartphone and edited with the Canva app.

My native language is Spanish, for this post, use the translator: (free version)


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This looks very provocative this "Maracuya" pudding.

I've always liked various puddings because of how easy they are to make and because they can be made with lots of different fruits.

Your passion fruit pudding looks refreshing, and also nice in presentation.

Hi @anggreklestari I want to thank you, because looking at your blog, I was inspired by this recipe.
So I am in gratitude to you.
Fraternal greetings. 😃

Great then, you can get inspiration from HIVE :)

This fruit is a fruit that I do not like because the seeds interfere with my eating. but if it is processed like this, I think this is the right choice and looks very fresh @pedroerami

Yes, of course, these fruits have many seeds in their pulp, but I remove them that way.
Thanks for your visit and comment.