Bulgur Stuffed Zucchini Boats with Black Beans

Autumn is probably my favorite season with all the diverse vegetables appearing on my plate. It depends on your location, but here in Baltics we grow a lot of veggies in the countryside. Zucchini is one of the trending vegetables right now and I will never get tired of them - you can make literally everything from them, from chocolate brownies to lasagna 😀

Stuffed zucchini is also a very good option that is quite simple, very easily adjustable and yet very tasty and looks impressive at the same time.

Zucchinis are a staple in many households. Not only are they readily available, but their mild flavor and tender texture pair wonderfully with the nutty goodness of bulgur and the earthy richness of black beans.

Bulgur is a whole grain that's quick to cook and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It adds a satisfying chewiness to our stuffing. Combined with the protein-packed black beans, it turns this dish into a complete meal that will keep you full and energized.

However, if you don't have access to this grain - no worries. You can switch it to quinoa, rice or any other grain.

What makes this dish truly special is its versatility. Don't hesitate to add your favorite herbs and spices, turning it into a personalized culinary masterpiece. Want a bit of heat? A sprinkle of red pepper flakes or a drizzle of hot sauce will do the trick. Feel like experimenting with different herbs? Go ahead – fresh basil, cilantro, or mint can transform the dish in exciting ways.

Now, let's talk convenience. Life can get hectic, and we all have those days when we crave a satisfying meal but don't have hours to spend in the kitchen. That's where this recipe truly shines. It's quick to make, making it ideal for weeknight dinners when time is precious.

The presentation is another aspect worth mentioning. Stuffed zucchinis don't just taste great; they look fantastic on the plate. Their vibrant green color and the hearty stuffing make for a visually appealing dish that can impress guests or elevate your everyday dinner experience.

So, why not break away from the culinary routine and try something new? These Vegan Stuffed Zucchinis with Bulgur and Black Beans are the perfect way to infuse excitement into your meals. They're simple to make, adaptable to your tastes, and a surefire way to delight your taste buds while keeping things healthy. Give them a try, and you might just find your new favorite recipe!

You will need:
For 3-4 servings
● 3 small/medium zucchinis (one weighing about 250 g.)
● 50 g. of bulgur, uncooked (approx. 250-300 ml. water for cooking)
● Half an onion
● 2 garlic cloves
● Some red bell pepper (approx. 50 g.)
● 150 g. canned black beans
● 1 teaspoon ground red pepper
● 1 teaspoon dried basil (or fresh)
● 1 teaspoon cumin
● About 0,5 teaspoon salt
● Pinch of black pepper
● 1 tablespoon olive oil
● 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  2. Place the bulgur in boiling water (I used about 300 ml. water) and cook for 7-10 minutes until well swollen. You can keep adding water if it evaporates.
  3. Remove the stems of zucchinis.

    Cut the zucchinis in half lengthways and scoop out the inside with a spoon to leave enough room for the filling.

    Reserve the scooped-out pulp for the filling (but there will be a little too much, so you can save the scooped-out pulp of one zucchini for other recipes).
  4. Chop the onion, garlic, red pepper and the zucchini pulp.
  5. Heat a little oil in a frying pan, add the chopped onion and garlic and fry for a couple of minutes.

    Add the red pepper, zucchini pulp, cooked bulgur and the rinsed beans together. Fry for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly.
  6. Add all the spices (ground pepper, basil, cumin, salt and pepper) on top of the roasted vegetables, stir well and remove from the pan into a separate bowl.
  7. Divide the baked filling among the zucchini, which have been sculped out.
  8. Place them on baking paper. You can also sprinkle some vegan cheese on top of zucchinis before baking.
  9. Bake the zucchinis in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 25-30 minutes.

    After baking, sprinkle with nutritional yeast and serve with barbecue sauce or any other desired accompaniments.



This sounds so good!

I love the way you formatted this post! How did you get four shots in a row like that?

ps I am sick of zucchini, possibly because I keep making pretty much the same dish over and over. I'll give this one a shot.

Thank you so much! I simply added them all in one picture in Photoshop 😀 I'm sorry to hear that you are sick of zucchini, they are such a perfect vegetable for me 😁 but that is also probably because I always make different things with it. Try different recipes out and I hope you will start to like it again!!

Whaoo it look yummy and I love the way you dish the meal.

Looks yummy..😋 first we eat food by eyes then by mouth, your dish looks tempting...

#foodhivebee #food

Enjoy the delicacy 🥰

I have no doubt, you are one of the best recipe article creators on #Hive @plantasticka friend!... And besides structuring them in a wonderful way, you take professional level food pictures!... It's a pleasure to look at this... And everything, as always, looks delicious!... Thank you for creating and sharing!...

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Thank you so much @jlinaresp ☀️ means so much to hear that!

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At first glance I saw your photo looking like chicken thighs. really creative. is zucchini a cucumber

Haha definitely not chicken 😁😁 It is not cucumber, it is a different vegetable. In some countries it is also called courgette


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