THE BEST OF THE WEEK (# 65): Mushroom pâté, onion fig jam, and cashew cream, Quick Pickled Lentil Salad & Black Pepper Potato Fritters, Cupcake Singkong Tumbuk Panggang


Photo by Nadine Primeau in Unsplash

Today we publish other edition of the special curatorship, which will complement the MEATLESS MONDAY; that we have called: THE BEST OF THE WEEK. Our intention with this post is to recognize the best of the best of the posts that you, friends of Hivers, share weekly in our Plant Power (Vegan) community, selecting the top three recipes from the previous week; which on this occasion corresponds to the period from Wednesday, November 15; to Tuesday, November 21, 2023.

Each of the selected publications will be reviewed in this curatorship, and in turn, its author will be awarded 0.5 Hive, 50 $foodie token and 50 @ecency points, in order to give him/her a modest recognition for the excellence and quality of his/her work.


Having said all of the above, let's see which recipes are THE BEST OF THE WEEK in this edition


Mushroom pâté, onion fig jam, and cashew cream for Canapés | by @carolynstahl

To end a work day, @carolynstahl prepares a finger-licking good mushroom pâté with walnuts, which she serves in small canapés, accompanied by a good bottle of wine. In a wonderful and beautiful post, she shares this delicious recipe that deserves to be part of The Best of the Week!


Quick Pickled Lentil Salad & Black Pepper Potato Fritters | by @marlyncabrera

To have a great night at the movies, with a delicious dinner, @marlyncabrera makes some exquisite pickled lentils, which she serves with some crunchy Potato Fritters. In a post with a great step by step, she shows us these great recipes, which also deserve to be part of The Best of the Week!


How To Make Cupcake Singkong Tumbuk Panggang | by @nurfay

This week @nurfay rushed to harvest the cassava from her garden, and although she was not able to harvest much, since her neighbors' pets ate part of her plants, and others rotted, she was still able to harvest a quantity enough to make some delicious boiled cassava cakes, which I sweeten with palm sugar and granulated sugar, and I add chopped peanuts to give it a crunchy texture. This great recipe, presented in a beautiful post, also deserves to be part of The Best of the Week!


Below is the transfer made to each wallet, as a modest community recognition, to the extraordinary work done by these content creators





Delegations welcome!

Find our community here | Curation Trail

Vote for our witness @sagarkothari88


Thank you @plantpoweronhive have selected my posts for this week!.

You're welcome @nurfay, thanks for your wonderful recipes.

Thanks a million @plantpoweronhive !!!! I am honoured to stand next to some of my favourites.