Mi colección de tazos 🥏, uno de los juegos más populares de los 90's / My collection of tazos 🥏, one of the most popular games of the 90's

in Hive Collectors3 months ago
Saludos hivers. Algunas de las colecciones que tengo no las he creado consiente y disciplinadamente sino que simplemente he ido reuniendo esos objetos porque venían en los empaques como obsequios de productos que mi familia o yo comprábamos. La colección que les voy a mostrar hoy surgió así.

Hello hivers. Some of the collections I have haven't been created consciously and with discipline, but rather I have simply been collecting those objects because they came in packaging as gifts of products that my family or I bought. The collection that I'm going to show you today came about like this.

En la década de los '90 era muy común que los productos trajeran algún obsequio en su interior, entre ellos, los cereales, detergentes, leche en polvo, helados y chucherías. Por lo general eran pequeños juguetes o figuras alusivas a dibujos animados o personajes de las películas que estaban de moda en ese momento. Digamos que era una estrategia de marketing muy efectiva para atraer clientes y que todos los miembros de la familia recibieran algo extra por comprar ese producto.

In the '90s it was very common for products to have some gift inside, including cereals, detergents, powdered milk, ice cream and snacks. They were generally small toys or figures alluding to cartoons or characters from the movies that were popular at that time. Let's say it was a very effective marketing strategy to attract customers and ensure that all family members received something extra for buying that product.


Uno de esos juguetes que se volvió muy popular a mediados y finales de esa década fueron los tazos. Los tazos son unos pequeños discos de plástico de 4 cms de diámetro que traen personajes de caricaturas, películas, videojuegos o dibujos animados, venían como obsequio dentro de las bolsas de los productos de snacks de las empresas PepsiCo Snacks y Frito Lays. Frito Lays trajo los tazos a Venezuela y otros países de sudamérica, los mismos se podían coleccionar comprando las papas fritas Ruffles, los Tostitos (ahora Doritos) y los Cheetos.

One of those toys that became very popular in the middle and end of that decade were tazos. The tazos are small plastic discs 4 cm in diameter that feature characters from cartoons, movies or video games, which came as a gift inside the bags of snack products from the PepsiCo Snacks and Frito Lays companies. Frito Lays brought the tazos to Venezuela and other South American countries, they could be collected by buying Ruffles chips, Tostitos (now Doritos) and Cheetos.


Los primeros tazos que salieron al mercado fueron de Taz-Mania, de ahí el nombre de tazos, luego salieron de Looney Tunes y Tiny Toones, a partir de ahí surgieron series de personajes de Disney, DC Comic, Pokémon, Warner, Hanna Barbera, Tom y Jerry, los Power Rangers, los Caballeros del zodiaco, etc. Mi colección no es muy grande, quizás porque a mi mamá no le gustaba mucho que estuviésemos comiendo chucherías jajaja así que en casa no era muy frecuente consumir estos productos, pero los fines de semana hacíamos algunas excepciones jejeje.

The first tazos that came onto the market were from Taz-Mania, hence the name tazos, then they came from Looney Tunes and Tiny Toones, from there series of characters from Disney, DC Comic, Pokémon, Warner, Hanna Barbera, Tom and Jerry, Power Rangers, Knights of the Zodiac, etc. emerged. My collection isn't very big, maybe because my mom didn't really like us eating snacks hahaha, so at home it wasn't very common to consume these products, but on the weekends we made some exceptions hehehe.

Mi colección consta de 35 piezas, de las cuales sólo una está repetida. La puse por grupos para que puedan apreciarla de una manera más organizada. Como podrán ver en este post, hay series de personajes, de escenas de los capítulos, etc. Incluí fotos de la parte de atrás de cada tazo porque ahí está la serie o colección a la que pertenece y el número que cada uno tiene dentro de la misma, también aparecen otros datos interesantes.

My collection consists of 35 pieces, of which only one is repeated. I put it in groups so you can appreciate it in a more organized way. As you can see in this post, there are series of characters, scenes from the chapters, etc. I included photos of the back of each tazo because there appears the series or collection to which it belongs and the number that each one has within it, other interesting data also appears.


🥏 Looney Tunes: esta familia es inmensa y tiene personajes clásicos que casi todos conocemos. No tengo muchos ☹️ pero entre ellos está uno de mis personajes y tazos favoritos, pero al final les diré cuál es jajaja.

🥏 Looney Tunes: this family is huge and has classic characters that almost all of us know. I don't have many ☹️ but among them is one of my favorite characters and tazos, but at the end I'll tell you which one it is hahaha.


Como irán viendo en las partes de atrás de los tazos, hay muchos tipos de tazos, Mega Tazos, Súper Tazos, Magic Tazos, Master Tazos, etc. El tipo de tazo y el número de serie que tiene atrás, define los puntos que valdrá dentro del juego. Nunca jugué a los tazos así que no les sabría explicar muy bien cómo se juega 🥴 jajaja, es algo parecido a las canicas, se hace una columna de tazos y los dos jugadores le tiran un tazo, el que saque cara empieza el juego, pero según lo que leí había varios tipos de juegos.

As you will see on the back of the tazos, there are many types of tazos, Mega Tazos, Super Tazos, Magic Tazos, Master Tazos, etc. The type of tazo and the serial number on the back define the points it will be worth in the game. I never played tazos so I wouldn't be able to explain very well how to play it 🥴 hahaha, it's something similar to marbles, a column of tazos is made and the two players throw a tazo at it, whoever gets heads starts the game, but according to what I read there were several types of games.


¿Cuál de estos personajes creen que es mi favorito? 🤔🤫 / Which of these characters you think is my favorite? 🤔🤫



El tipo de cada tazo no sólo representa su valor dentro del juego sino que también identifica alguna característica que lo hace diferente, hay tazos delgados, más gruesos, brillantes, animados, voladores, armables, metálicos, plateados, inflados, texturizados, que cambian de color al mojarse, que brillan en la oscuridad, etc.

The type of each tazo not only represents its value within the game but also identifies some characteristic that makes it different, there are thin, thicker, shiny, animated, flying, buildable, metallic, silver, inflated, textured, that change color when wet, glow in the dark, etc.


Los tazos animados traen dos imágenes que aparecen al moverlos / The animated tazos have two images that appear when you move them



🥏 Disney: en los 90s Disney hizo muchas películas que se volvieron populares así que todos esos personajes fueron transformados en figuras, pequeños juguetes y obviamente también en tazos.

🥏 Disney: In the 90s Disney made many movies that became popular so all those characters were transformed into figures, small toys and obviously also into tazos.


De tantas películas que sacó Disney en los 90 sólo tengo estos tres tazos de Pocahontas 🥴🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 / Of so many movies that Disney released in the 90s, I only have these three tazos of Pocahontas 🥴🤷🏻‍♀️🤣



🥏 Power Rangers: esta serie fue súper popular en Venezuela así que Jacks no iba a desaprovechar la oportunidad de sacar una colección de tazos alusiva a la misma. No era fanática de esta serie pero a veces la veía. Estos tazos, o más bien, Jackos, son animados ya que traen dos escenas diferentes al moverlos.

🥏 Power Rangers: This series was super popular in Venezuela so Jacks was not going to miss the opportunity to release a collection of tazos alluding to it. I wasn't a fan of this series but I watched it sometimes. These tazos, or rather, Jackos, are animated since they bring up two different scenes when you move them.


Estos Jackos traen escenas increíbles, debe ser genial tener la serie completa / These Jackos bring incredible scenes, it must be great to have the complete series




🥏 Hanna Barbera: esta serie es también de tazos animados, como verán les tomé la foto en mi mano para poder girarlos y así tomarle foto a ambas imágenes, lo cual no me salía dejando el tazo en la mesa jajaja 🤷🏻‍♀️.

🥏 Hanna Barbera: this series is also animated tazos, as you will see I took the photo in my hand so I could turn them and thus take a photo of both images, which I couldn't do by leaving the tazo on the table hahaha 🤷🏻‍♀️.



Cowboys in action


Jerry pilot


How delicious to fly

Tras el éxito que empezaron a tener los tazos, otras empresas de snacks se sumaron a esta idea. Esta colección es de la empresa Jack's y por eso se llaman Jackos en vez de Tazos.

After the success that the tazos began to have, other snack companies joined this idea. This collection is from the Jack's company and that is why they are called Jackos instead of Tazos.


Tennis stars


An explosive situation 💣


Caught up


To home


Take care of the parks


🥏 Pokémon: debo ser una de las pocas personas que no veía esta serie de la que casi todos, tanto niños, jóvenes como adultos, se volvieron fanáticos 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️. Creo que la razón principal es porque la pasaban temprano en la tarde, entre las 3 y 5 de la tarde, y a esa hora pues yo tenía que estudiar jajaja así que ni modo 😕🤷🏻‍♀️.

🥏 Pokémon: I must be one of the few people who didn't watch this series of which almost everyone, both children, young people and adults, became fans 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️. I think the main reason is because they showed it on TV early in the afternoon, between 3 and 5 pm, and at that time I had to study hahaha so no way 😕🤷🏻‍♀️.



Power: fire 🔥


Power: electricity


Power: normal

Tengo dos tipos de tazos de Pokémon, tres que son sencillos y el resto son animados, me parecen unos tazos muy bonitos y como verán, aparte del nombre de los personajes, aparece el poder que tiene cada uno y también, en la parte de atrás nos indica a quiénes vence.

I have two types of Pokémon tazos, three that are simple and the rest are animated, I think they are very nice tazos and as you will see, apart from the name of the characters, appears the power that each one has and also, on the back indicates who he defeats.


Power: fighter 🥊


Power: psychic


Power: water 💧


Power: water 💧


Power: electric


🥏 DC Comic: aquí les presento unos tazos voladores, es fácil identificarlos porque tienen varias ranuras en sus bordes. Estos tazos están entre mis favoritos porque me encantan las películas de superhéroes jejeje, sin embargo me falta el mío ☹️, el de Gatubela 😼(Catwoman), pero lo buscaré en Internet y lo compraré 😸, al menos que alguien me lo regale antes 😎, oh, ese regalo me encantaría 😸😃.

🥏 DC Comic: here I present some flying tazos, it's easy to identify them because they have several grooves on their edges. These tazos are among my favorites because I love superhero movies hehehe, however I'm missing mine ☹️, the Catwoman one 😼 (Gatubela), but I'll look for it on the Internet and buy it 😸, unless someone gives it to me first 😎, Oh, I would love that gift 😸😃.






🥏 Tazos ganadores: los tazos no eran solamente de personajes y dibujos animados, también había tazos que podías cambiar por un producto premiado y una cantidad mínima de dinero. Tengo dos de esos pero preferí quedármelos jejeje.

🥏 Winning tazos: The tazos were not only about characters and cartoons, there were also tazos that you could exchange for a winning product and a minimum amount of money. I have two of those but I preferred to keep them hehehe.


Congratulations, you won a Ruffles potatoes 28 gr. Exchange this tazo plus 1 Bs. for the product at your favorite shopping center


🥏 Warner Brothers: me gustan mucho las comiquitas de Warner jejeje pero solamente tengo un tazo de ellos ☹️ y este tazo es mi favorito de todos 😃, no solamente porque me encanta Pinky y Cerebro jejeje, sino también porque este es un brilla tazo, o sea que brilla en la oscuridad y también es un tazo volador.

🥏 Warner Brothers: I like very much Warner comics hehehe but I only have one piece of them ☹️ and this piece is my favorite of all 😃, not only because I love Pinky and the Brain hehehe, but also because this is a shiny tazo, that is, it glows in the dark and is also a flying tazo.


Mi tazo favorito 😁🤭🥰 / My favorite tazo 😁🤭🥰


Miren que lindo brilla en la oscuridad 😸, me metí en el closet para poder hacer esta foto 🤣🤣 / Look how pretty it shines in the dark 😸, I got inside the closet to take this photo 🤣🤣

Si bien el furor por los tazos empezó a mediados de los años 90, los tazos han seguido saliendo, aunque ya no en todos los países, y hay colecciones tanto de esa época como de años posteriores de series como Dragon Ball, Nickelodeon, Angry Birds, Los Simpson, Los Minions, Pac-Man, UEFA champions league, Animaniacs, Naruto, Bob esponja, Star wars, Marvel, Digimon, Harry Potter, etc.

Although the craze for tazos began in the mid-90s, tazos have continued to come out, although not in all countries, and there are collections from that time as well as from later years from series like Dragon Ball, Nickelodeon, Angry Birds, The Simpson, The Minions, Pac-Man, UEFA champions league, Animaniacs, Naruto, SpongeBob, Star wars, Marvel, Digimon, Harry Potter, etc.


Actualmente se pueden encontrar a la venta tazos individuales y colecciones completas en páginas como MercadoLibre, Ebay y Amazon. La mayoría de los coleccionistas están en Suramérica pero también son muy buscados en Estados Unidos y Canadá.

Currently you can find individual tazos and complete collections for sale on pages like MercadoLibre, Ebay and Amazon. Most collectors are in South America but they are also highly sought after in the United States and Canada.


Coleccionar es una bonita manera de recordar viejos tiempos y de trasladarse a otras épocas cuando quizás todo era más sencillo, los niños, jóvenes y hasta algunos adultos pasaban horas jugando con los tazos o simplemente comprando muchas chucherías para tratar de completar cada serie que salía jajaja. Les prometí que al final les diría cuáles son mis tazos favoritos, bueno, son estos dos jejeje 🤭👇🏻.

Collecting is a nice way to remember old times and to go back to other times when perhaps everything was simpler, children, young people and even some adults spent hours playing with tazos or simply buying many snacks to try to complete each series that came out hahaha. I promised you that at the end I would tell you which are my favorite tazos, well, they are these two hehehe 🤭👇🏻.


Mis dos tazos favoritos 🐭🦨😻😸 / My two favorite tazos 🐭🦨😻😸

Bueno amigos, ha sido un viaje muy divertido y entretenido por el mundo de los tazos y espero que lo hayan disfrutado tanto como yo. ¿Alguno de ustedes tiene tazos? Espero sus comentarios. Muchas gracias por su tiempo. Salud y felicidad infinitas para todos 🌞🍀.

Well friends, it has been a very fun and entertaining trip through the world of tazos and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Do any of you have tazos? I await your comments. Thank you very much for your time. Infinite health and happiness for everyone 🌞🍀.

Todas las fotos fueron hechas y editadas por mi con mi celular Redmi 9T y me pertenecen / All photos were taken and edited by me with my Redmi 9T cellphone and they belong to me

Gracias por leer, compartir, apoyar, votar y comentar.
Hasta la próxima.


Thanks for read, share, vote and comment.

Until next post.



Omg, this is VERY COOL!! So many pogs, (I am tagging @incublus, he has to see this collection!!) All are lovely, the Looney Tunes are super cute, I wish you had more. But look, I have none 😂 so you already have much more than I hahaha. I think it was not popular in the '80s when I was a kid...

Which of these characters you think is my favorite? 🤔🤫

Silvester, of course :D

😃😃😃 thank you very much 😺. Yes, I wish I have more 😕 but hahaha you make me feel better because you don't have none 🤭🤭🤭.
No, tazos had not yet been born in the 80s 🤷🏻‍♀️, they are a 90s thing hahaha 😉.

Well, anyone would think it is Sylvester because I am Gatubela 😼, but as I said at the end of the post, of those three it's Pepe Le Pew 🦨🤭 although my favorite tazo of all it's the Brain 🐭🤭.

Thank you for comment, reading and supporting my post, I appreciate it 😺🤘🏻🤗

Wow! What a great collection of pogs (is that the right word in English? 😃)... UI remembers those inside crackers or chips, but I have never seen so many different ones like you shared! I suppose my mother was even less interested in buying snacks than yours... 😂

Thanks for sharing! It was nice to go through your collection and recognize almost all cartoon characters from my childhood!

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😂😂😂🥰 yes, I think moms don't get along very well with snacks hahaha 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Well, I have many different ones although they are nothing compared to the number of tazos that each series included, most of the series were 50 or more tazos each 🥴 hahaha, but I'm happy to at least have a small representation of some of those series 😉.
Thanks for reading and supporting my post, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Holaa @gatubela. Muy interesante tu colección de tazos. Leer tu post me trajo mucho recuerdos, cuando mis hijos eran niños. También nosotros coleccionamos algunos tazos. Tal vez en otra ocasión pueda mostrar algunos. Saludos.💕

Hola @multifacetas, muchas gracias, me alegra mucho que mi publicación te haya traído buenos recuerdos ☺️. Espero que pronto puedas mostrarnos tu colección de tazos, me encantaría verla 😃. Gracias por leerme, saludos 😺🤘🏻🤗

Hello, Interesting post with a new topic in the community. The tazos thing is undoubtedly a marketing strategy that incites to purchase. Very good to know that you have kept them for so long. Thanks for exposing them. Regards

Hello @abrunet, yes, that's true, a very good marketing strategy that had a lot of success in the 90s. I think I'm good at keeping things 😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️. Thank you for reading and supporting my post, have a nice day 😺🤘🏻🤗

Look at this blast from the past! Good old sweet 90s! :D

@tipu curate 3

Hey 👋🏻! Thank you 🌻😃😎
Were tazos popular in your country, too? 🤔

Yes, they were :) But we called them "pogy" (= pogs in English)

What an amazing post friend, a beautiful post, you have taken me to my childhood, how many memories to see the pictures of your tazos, I got some tears haha

The animated tazos were my favorite, I loved to see that movement effect. Once I was lucky enough to get a special tazo to get the tazos gun, I was super happy shooting my tazos and watching them fly around the house although my mom didn't like it because it made a lot of noise and was dangerous, she was right but I was very little and didn't understand haha 😂

Love your post, full of nostalgia, you have a very nice collection and how nice that you have kept them in such a good condition ❤️❤️

☺️ oooh! That's sweet 🥰, thank you, I'm so glad my post made you bring back good old memories from your childhood 🤗.

😂😂😂 It must have been a lot of fun throwing the tazos with the tazos gun 🤣🤣🤣 I can imagine your mom trying to dodge the tazos so they wouldn't fall on her head 😬🥴🤣🤣🤣🤣

Thank you very much friend, they are in good condition because I didn't have a tazos gun 🥏🔫 🤭🤭🤭.
Much love to you, have a wonderful day 😺🤘🏻🤗

Oh, wow! I've never seen many of these pogs. The popular ones in our country were only Pokemon pogs, but here there are so many different kinds. It looks so beautiful. My favorite among them is Charmeleon. Thanks for tagging me @mipiano!

Hello 👋🏻.
Really? 😳 😂😂😂 Thank you! 🥰🤗

Maybe the tazos series were different in each country or maybe the snacks companies didn't had much success with this tazos marketing strategy in your country 🤔. Here in South America tazos became a huge success and that's why there are so many different series from so many different cartoons, movies and TV series.

The Charmeleon tazo is cool 😉.

I'm glad you liked them and thanks for comment, reading and supporting my post @incublus 😺🤘🏻🤗

It was actually pretty successful in Turkey as well. Like if I can still remember them that means pogs were success.

You are welcome 😅

🤣🤣🤣, well, that's true hahaha, you're right 😉
Turkey? Sorry, I thought you were in the United States 🤭🤭🤭🤷🏻‍♀️
Happy weekend 🍨

How? It writes on my blog 🤣

😬 I don't use to check where people come from 🤭🤭🤭
Sorry, I just realized now that I confused you with another hiver who has a name (I mean username) very similar to yours and he is in the United States 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️

You are welcome!

I knew you would like to see this collection 😇