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RE: Doors of Narbonne

in Hive Collectors4 months ago

You have done something that fascinates me: photographing doors. I will spend a long time looking at them because they are all beautiful in their own way and behind them there is always a lot to tell. Also imagine how many people have knocked on those doors with news, different moods, or simply arriving and sliding the key into the lock to open them is a relief. Slamming doors, anger, probably too.
The bricked-up door is brought down with something forceful. Or you just leave it like that. If that's a house I imagine it's a rather ugly architectural solution, hahaha... to gain space inside the house. Or maybe convert that room that had doors to the street into something else private.


Yes, probably many different moods, situations and stories that went through these doors during all these years. There were some really old ones. I suppose the door with the musical instruments above it could be the door of some musician, who knows? 🎶

Or a doctor who heals with music. Medecine Generale... all the ills of body and soul.

Leo cada detalle, no sé si lo sabes. 🤣

Haha, yeah, but we can't be sure that Dr Marie-Ange Mignard lived there since 1767. Maybe some of her ancestors healed with music, that can be the case 😉


Thank you for this musical background to the post ;)

You're welcome. ¿Te encuentras mejor de la migraña? ¿Hoy hubo Pilates?

Sí, gracias, mucho mejor de la migraña aunque tomé un ibuprofeno hoy también.
Pero estoy destrozada de Pilates. Destrozada 😂