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RE: Just blow it off

in Cross Culturelast month (edited)

I think people like us are in a tricky situation. We want to be completely self sufficient (that’s you too right?) and that requires a support base, so we are constantly trying to spread outwards to build that support base, which is an upward battle.

I have to constantly remind myself to value my individual relationships and to focus on building better ones because I get so lost in the grind to self sufficiency. Ironically I think NOT trying to promote my work and just getting involved in stuff with other people has been the best promotion for my work. Like just meeting the right people and telling then what i do and get to know them is far more effective than twitter ads but I always feel so tired of it because there are disappointments and awkward interactions and disagreements and all that. Online there is a block button. Or i can ignore a certain app.

But I guess I don’t wanna say “it’s their problem, because there are things I can learn from taking others issues with me seriously. Not going to go against my core values though, and being chill is one of them.


I hear you. I do value the few individual relationships I have for sure. Those are the ones that I care about their opinions. The rest, well, again, if they don’t like me, that’s their problem because I am an awesome dude, lol. But with society the way it’s going, I am getting more cynical and closed off by the day, but that’s because much of my socializing is online and most social media is an over saturated dumpster fire.

I am starting some new things up that I will be getting out in front of people more, which is where I can shine a bit more than getting lost in the internet wasteland.