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RE: Let's Get Started

in Threespeak4 years ago

That is what HF 24 is all about, or so it seems to me, building that foundation. I know some want to see changes to the reward pool, and to the HDF, my own thoughts on that are to let them ride for at least a year. We saw what happened with steem and all it's changes or attempts to fix what a few thought was broken by working on changes to the reward pool.

I hope now that the foundation blocks for Hive are about to be laid the next step will be the governance of Hive. We don't need wasted committees like happened over on Steem, just an adjustment or two to the Witness selection, and retention system.

Then after Hive has been steady on it's feet for a year, then look at needed changes to the power down time and the reward pool. Investors, users and builders on Hive need some time for changes to solidify before changing what was changed in the last two forks, we need to stop all the tail chasing and just let some of the changes have time to settle in.

Of course that is only one users opinion, and I am pretty easy going, I'll go with the flow til it no longer suits me.


governance of Hive probably the most important thing

That I think a lot of people do agree on, just not how we go about fixing or describing the issue that we feel needs to be fixed about it. I do hope a lot of people start to think about it and try to come up with some novel solution that will make a meaningful change to it.

Coming with solutions and discussing ideas transparently on the chain are also important.

Imagine if Ned sold his stake someone who understand decentralisation than Justin!

We definitely need to think outside the box and build bridges with true believers of decentralisation and other projects/protocol