A study plan for evaluation (School Commitments)

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Hola chicos, como están por aquí ¨ThreespeakCommunity¨: Muy feliz de estar nuevamente en este maravilloso lugar para enseñarles otro video cortito de mi ¨plan¨ de ¨estudio¨ para una evaluación que tendré este día lunes en mi escuela con la profe de ¨ciencias¨

Source: Family Álbum

Hello guys, how are you here ¨ThreespeakCommunity¨:  Very happy to be back in this wonderful place to show you another short video of my "study plan" for an evaluation that I will have this Monday at my school with the "science" teacher

Soy muy responsable con mis estudios, y gracias a eso tengo buena nota, eso junto con el buen comportamiento estoy para ser una de las ¨Abanderadas¨. Esto es el máximo reconocimiento que un estudiante puede tener. Mis esfuerzo y dedicación ha hecho que hasta ahora sea de la las alumnas que iza la ¨bandera¨, y este año tengo la posibilidad de obtener el reconocimiento, por eso vale la pena el esfuerzo de estudiar

Source: Family Álbum

I am very responsible with my studies, and thanks to that I have a good grade, that together with good behavior makes me one of the "Standard Bearers". This is the highest recognition that a student can have. My effort and dedication has meant that until now I am one of the students who raises the "flag", and this year I have the possibility of obtaining recognition, which is why it is worth the effort to study

Hay algunas cosas que hago para retener en la ¨memoria¨ las cosas que estudiamos en clases, una de ellas es hacer equipo con el genio de mi abuela Gaby. Preparo una lista de las posibles preguntas de la evaluación, estudio, y luego es mi abuela la que me hace preguntas sobre los puntos que he estudiado. El video y las fotografías hicimos con el teléfono ¨Motoa7plus¨de mi abuela

Source: Family Álbum

There are some things I do to retain in my "memory" the things we study in class, one of them is teaming up with the genius of my grandmother Gaby. I prepare a list of possible assessment questions, study, and then it is my grandmother who asks me questions about the points I have studied. We took the video and photographs with my grandmother's ¨Motoa7plus¨ phone

Música de fondo-Background music ¨Movement¨: ¨SoulProdMusic¨ ¨No Copyright Music¨: 


Source: Family Álbum

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What a good team you and Grandma have formed, don't be nervous, everything will turn out fine. Successes on Monday

Yes my grandmother helps me a lot with my studies
Thank you so much

best of luck with your studies

hello @eolianpariah2
Thanks for the support

Saldrás muy bien, tu abuela te ha ayudado mucho y todo saldrá perfecto!! A seguir estudiando @miprimerconcurso 😃

Mi abuela Gaby me ayuda mucho, sabe como hacer para aprender mas rapido, estudie mucho, tambien creo que me va ir bien
Muchas gracias @avdesing

Te va a ir genial, hacia adelante!

Goodluck with your studies. I also have books to review today. Happy Sunday.

Thank you very much @naniplayergamer
May everything go well with your studies

I admire a lot that at your young age you are making a great effort to create content, your videos are beautiful and very tender, besides I always learn or review something in them that maybe I had forgotten. Those who study with as much dedication as you don't need luck and success is sure, you will do well in your evaluation, you'll see. Happy Monday!...

Hello @jesuslnrs
Since I was six years old I have accompanied my grandfather in his videos, but it is not the same to do it alone, now I have to get used to the camera again, I still get a little nervous
If it is true, there is no such thing as luck in studies, you have to study for good grades.
Thank you very much, have a beautiful day

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