The flower tree I planted with my own hands has grown day by day

in Threespeak4 years ago (edited)

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One afternoon my wife and I went for a walk next to the house while we were living in the city area. Just that day we saw a flower sapling very close to the house and saved it and brought it home with great care Let's plant.Today we are not at home for personal reasons but my workplace is at home.Since I have to come to work all the time, sometimes I still look at the flowering tree. Yesterday when I noticed that the tree has grown a lot, I really remember the day when I first planted the tree, how fast it grew It is surprising to think that it is gone.However, I try to plant trees wherever I am and to be in nature because trees are a part of nature and so I try to be in nature.

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নিজের হাতে গড়া জিনিসকে একটু একটু করে বড় হতে দেখলে অন্যরকম এক আনন্দ ও অনুভূতি অনুভব হয়! আপনি অপেক্ষা করে থাকবেন আপনার গাছগুলো কখন বড় হয়ে ফুলে ভরে যাবে! আপনাকে অগ্রিম অভিনন্দন রইল! ধন্যবাদ

!hw ban
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