My Teaching Demonstration Journey


Good day, Hivers! I wish you well as you take the time to read my blog. Last week, we had our teachers' training for the K–10 Matatag Curriculum. I represented our school in the subject Technology and Livelihood Education. During our training, I was chosen by my co-participants to have the teaching demonstration applying all the learnings to achieve the goal of the Department of Education. So be with me as I share with you my teaching demonstration journey.

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, here in the Philippines, my co-participants in the TLE subject unanimously chose me to be the teacher demonstrator. I was telling them that I was not interested in doing it since I was not planning to apply for any promotion. But they only responded with their supportive words of encouragement, leaving me no choice. Since the K–10 MATATAG Curriculum is a new face of the Philippine Education Curriculum, I am still adapting its new features, like making the lesson plan and choosing the pedagogical approaches and assessment methods. I was chosen to be their representative, and I must give my best as a payback for their trust.

On the 4th day of our training, we tackled the lesson planning format and its content. It is something I need to study and understand since it is quite different from the usual one. From making the instructional design framework up to the selection of the pedagogical approaches that are vital in integrating 21st century skills, I focused on that day about how to create a good plan because it is said, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." It was really a challenging time to demonstrate on behalf of our class. I only have less than 24 hours to prepare. But I know I can make it happen.

I started the preparation of my lesson plan after lunch. I begin with the unpacking of the learning competency that I will use for my lesson. I chose the learning competency to discuss the care and maintenance of crops. When I unpacked it, I had 5 LCs, and one of them is the production of organic liquid fertilizers. I chose to discuss that LC to perform or demonstrate skills in producing a natural liquid fertilizer. I finished making my lesson plan at 5 p.m. I almost forgot that we have our Educators' Nite in town as our community involvement for the fiesta celebration.

I stopped my preparation for my demonstration, and I prepared myself to attend the said Nite. I was supposed to enjoy it because it was a social gathering of teachers in Tabogon town. But I was still thinking about how I was going to conduct my class the following day. I was not yet ready because I needed to print some of my instructional materials and create my PowerPoint presentation. Listening to the music of the band, I got some relaxation in my mind. The vocalist was inviting me to jam with them in the second set of their performance. She still remembers me from when we had a jam at Tabogon Central School.

After the giving of awards to the retirees and outstanding teachers of Tabogon District, I told my wife that we needed to get home so that I could finish my preparation. We then went straight to our home, and when we arrived at 11 p.m. Our kids were already sleeping. I immediately changed my clothes and got the laptop to start making my PowerPoint presentation. I finished making it at 2 a.m. I need to sleep for me to have energy for the big day.



I woke up at 5 a.m. to run through my presentation and familiarize myself with my lesson. I asked my wife to print my IMs for the activities. Aside from the ICT integration, I need to prepare hard copies just in case of any power interruption. I only had a very short time to study, but I told myself I could do this. I was full of positivity that time, despite the lack of sleep and being tired because of last night's activity.

I made sure that everything I needed was ready. While I'm on my way to Kal-anan National High School, where our training was held, I see my co-teacher waiting for a motorcycle to give her a ride to the training area. I just gave her a ride, but we stopped by the market to buy a kilo of fish, which I used for the production of liquid fertilizer. After that, we went straight to the training venue. I prepared the classroom where I am going to have my teaching demonstration. There was no television in the classroom, so I needed to borrow an LED projector and its screen. I also borrowed tools and materials from the KNHS kitchen.


My co-participants served as my learners. Our class manager, the Master Teacher II in the subject TLE, ma'am @dehai, together with the Principal II of Horacio Franco MNHS and the School Head of Daantabogon NHS, were my process observers. We had our preliminaries for the last day of the training, and after that, I started my demonstration. I conducted the preliminaries for starting the class, a prayer, an attendance check, and a review of the previous lesson.





During my demonstration, I conducted several activities that made collaborative learning evident. I integrated the government thrusts, the green economy, ICT, and business industry skills. My learners had enjoyed the making of the fish amino acid, one of the natural liquid fertilizers that can help plant growth. It maintains soil fertility and provides nitrogen, which is essential to photosynthesis.



I was so happy that I made my demonstration successful. The comments of ma'am @dehai and ma'am Maribell made my day. I was not expecting to have 7 in all areas in the classroom observation tool since I only had a very short preparation. I thank everyone for their participation, which made it a very interactive class discussion. They explored the lesson, and they learned how to produce organic fertilizer.





I never had the thought to be the teacher demonstrator. As I've said, I was not planning to apply for any promotions. But my co-participants and even the training management team keep on telling me that the certificate that I will receive will be useful one day. Maybe I was not planning it for now, but if it is for me, it will happen in His perfect timing.

That's all for today, Hivers. I hope you had a great time reading my blog. Please do not forget to support me by leaving an upvote and reblogging my content.


Lead image was edited in Canva. Other images 
were taken using my phone and some of them were from the District TLE Class Matatag
group chat and my fb story.


What a wonderful and inspiring journey you had kuya @cup-bearer!🤩 It's clear that your dedication and hard work paid off, even with such a tight schedule. Your demonstration sounds like it was engaging and informative, and it's impressive how you integrated various elements into your lesson. Kudos to you for stepping up and representing your school so well. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, and I wish you all the best in your teaching career!☺️💗

It was indeed a challenging opportunity but I made it. Thank you for being one of those who believe in me in educating the 21st century learners. I appreciate your kind words @amishu. 🫶

Congratulations @cup-bearer for being brave to accept the challenge and for the job well done. Soar high for your career 👏👏👏

Thank you @richdreamer for the kind words. I am looking forward to a brighter path for this vocation. 🫶

congratulations Sr @cupbearer for accepting the challenge. Indeed it was very successful and excellently done.

I'm always thankful to your support and encouragement ma'am. 🫶