Time for some deserved rest

in Abundance Tribe2 months ago

Party's over for now. All the volunteers have left for their next destination and things go back to their usual quietness. It was a true rollercoaster of emotions and many things were done in just a week. I enjoyed the company a lot, and though there were challenging moments it was worth it, leaving me many lessons to integrate.

After the French had left, we remained with the two English visitors and tried to raise the roof. It was way less chaotic with just two volunteers and we got to share a lot. I felt we became good friends and if was a bit sad to have to say goodbye. We even got to climb a mountain called "El Fraile".

I had some old zinc plates from a dismantled house lying around and we begin to prepare them for the roof.

Problem was that they had holes in them that didn't quite align with the build so we had to do something about that.

We tried a mixture of wood glue and pine resin which worked really well and were able to seal the holes, making them water proof once again.

These two worked a lot, they were unstoppable. Not only would they build but also gather massive amounts of firewood and tend to the garden. Really amazing how motivated some people are and i enjoyed their inspiring company.

On the last day of their stay we worked past dark trying to finish the roof, but only managed to get half of the plates on top.

It seems i will have to build a new and taller ladder to drill in the remaining bits but for now I've put them on top because the shelter is in a place well protected from the wind so I don't think they will fly off.

Until new volunteers arrive to keep building i will be using it as a shed for firewood, which is very useful. Here i will be able to amass higher amounts of wood than i have ever had the space for!

So that's as far as we got. I must confess that things feel a bit lonely after having so much company, but at the same time i see this as a valuable moment to process all the recent events and reconnect with myself.

Besides, some rest is needed after all this busy time and it's always important to have room to practice detachment, else you become a slave of social validation.

I was considering leaving this place before all this happened, but now i think that i should be patient and stay here for more time. There is so much i have to learn, and running away from all this will not heal the wounds that cause discomfort!

All i can do is to keep observing my inner workings, figuring out what i can do to make my life my personal haven of calm and joy.

Thanks for reading fellow wanderer of existence.


Amazing how an experience like this can bring about such a change, right?
That's what I love about life and human interaction.

Nice woods storage indeed. Have you considered just laying some rocks on the roof instead?
That's what I did here, as a temporary solution, after the zinc roof of the solar system on my land blew off its wooden box, on a stormy (yester)day.

Enjoy the contrast! I can understand that it gives you mixed feelings.

Ok, I'll give it a shot with stones in the meanwhile, thanks for the idea

Many things to feel in this life, today contrast is in full force with heavy rains hoho

Oh sweet contrast.
Without it life would be dull and much of the same ;<)

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!