Short trip to Reykjavik, Iceland

in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC]9 months ago

I have had the opportunity to visit Reykjavik University as it is in the NeurotechEU European university alliance with my own university, the University of Lille. Here are a few pictures I took during this short stay last week.

From the airport to Reykjavik, you can see the typical low vegetation of Iceland and some volcanos in the background.

The monument of the sun voyageur looks into the bay north of Reykjavik.

I was pleased to stumble upon the French hospital where the Icelanders took care of the French fishermen who came to meet the difficult weather conditions of the ocean around Iceland in the beginning of the XXth century. It is a great example of the traditional architecture of Iceland.

We took a bath in the sea at a small beach beside the university. The water was cold at 10°C but we could enjoy a natural warm water bath outside just after thanks to the hot sources of Iceland.

Ryekjavik is a lively city with a nice touristic center and we enjoyed the fish and lamb dishes, and the wool craft.

We enjoyed the opportunity to take a whale watching tour that allowed us to see Minke whales and white beak dolphins (which I did not managed to photograph 😤) in a very nice sunset.

This trip was too short unfortunately but it gave me the will to come back to hike into the wilderness that you can admire on these posts of fellow hivians @photovisions, @greddyforce, @lightcaptured, @dejan.vuckovic and others.

You can check more of my pictures of Iceland on this album.


Licence Creative Commons
This text and its illustrations (all the pictures have been taken by myself) are licensed under Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 4.0 International.



Its great you got to go! Hope you can go back and explore the nature. Its so worth it.

Homestly, this trip is worth it
The place looks so good
Nice one!