Three spiky amigos

in Succulent growers3 years ago

Mammillaria prolifera peach flower 2.jpg

Almost all my cacti are dormant now (except the one that thinks it's spring and blooms right now) so there is nothing happening.
But I opened my spiky folder and Is aw I still have some I shot this season I didn't show for whatever reason.

Those three here are Mammillarias. Two of them I grew from seed, one is an offshoot from a larger plant I have. I find this type the easiest to grow. And even if something happens to the plant, there is so many little babies around that I can always save it. Even growing it from seed is the easiest thing and they can bloom in their second year.

It is not the most flashy cactus and the flowers are very small, but it is cute and when it grows big it looks like a soft pillow from a distance.

Mammillaria prolifera buds 1.jpg

Here are the three beauties:

Candidate number 1
Likes to have a drink on weekends share gossips with the neighboring pots.
Rumors say that he got green with envy like that because the other ones have pretty peachy flowers, he he doesn't. Now he just sits in a nice shady spot and multiplies like crazy plotting how to take over the world.

Mammillaria prolifera green 1.jpg

Candidate number 2
Enjoys sun and lazy afternoons on the balcony. All the tan will show on the spines, but that's the beauty. Will not use any sunscreen anyway. Likes risk and poking humans in the spare time.

Mammillaria prolifera ginger.jpg

Candidate number 3
This little beauty is pretty shy and will blush when you look at it. It does like to show off a bit with multiple flowers. The shy part must be just an act then.

Mammillaria prolifera peach flower .jpg

That last one is the one grown from an offshoot. I got a big plant in a shop but it turned out that the main and biggest stem was dead so I separated all the smaller ones and planted them separately.

This one below is one from seed. I really like those dark spines! The flowers are about the same as the peachy ones above.

Mammillaria prolifera ginger 2.jpg

Mammillaria prolifera ginger buds.jpg

And here they are :)

Mammillaria prolifera trio.jpg

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

cactus banner.jpg


I love Mammillaria!
I really liked how you described them! ❤️‍ 😂 👍

Why so seriously all the time, right? :)
I like them too. Such easy cactus.

Yes, it still blooms for a long time :-)

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 83 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

I love this kind of minimalist photography because of the details. Amazing pics

Thank you! Those little fellas are awesome models :)

Those who love cactus can be taken to their thorns 😊

Drinks and gossip? I'm there with candidate number 1 but you already know this 😀

Haha I knew it!
Count me in for the party :D

So cute and beautiful shots. I also have one, but it hasn't flowered yet

Thanks! Hopefully it will soon. Fingers crossed :)

I hope so. thank you 🙂

Very soft color contrast, perfect for this beautiful cactus. 🥰🥰

Thank you :)


I'm a big cactus lover. I have some. They are prickly but beautiful. Cool that you managed to grow a couple of cacti from seeds. They really look like a soft pillow :) Nice photos.

Oh please take some photos and show them off.
Growing from seed takes time, but it is cool experience.
Thanks a lot :)

Congratulations! I hope I'm doing everything right and my cacti will bloom soon too ... I'm just a beginner cactus grower)

Thank you!
Do not over water them, give nice plenty of light and keep cooler and drier in winter. Perfect temperature for most would around 4-7 degrees C and no water at all until temp goes up to 12 degrees at least at night and higher in the day.
They will bloom :)

Thanks for the advice! In winter I water them lightly once every one and a half to two months.

Did you draw that Cacti! Very cute UwU.

Why the background so dark? Must be the matrix i guess.

Personally i see cactus as a very versatile plant compared to a bush of flowers. Not only can you use them as decoration, they are easy to maintain *On certain climates and i feel like building a fence made dead dried cactus.

*Very intimidating, there are some beach resorts that use the cactus wall. But the fancy one's place decorations to make the cactus extra fancy.

Yea I did... I used to draw a bit too.

Why the background so dark?

To match my soul.. muahahahaaaaa

Black is my color! Go find another one.


Yay! 🤗
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