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RE: The Necessary Last Minute Back-Up Plans Before Traveling To Madrid

in TravelFeed2 months ago

I glad you made it through in one piece. Hip pain is miserable, I know that feeling all too well! The lounge sounds like a lifesaver, too bad the whole trip was so painful. I hope the rest is helping the hip feel better back at home.


That's the thing, the hip was over the day before the trip as it was just the cold doing that. I ditched my duvet a few days before it started to hurt, as I was too hot at night and changed it for just a sheet.. apparently that made me too cold during the night and end up having so much pain.. But I don't like to be unprepared so that lounge idea was great also for the back issue, which sadly still exists...

I'm so happy to be home, seriously, first of all, I will never go there again if it's up to me, second, if I have to, my boyfriend needs to join at least so it's less of a stressful event with the luggage, lol.

It surely made me love everything here even more, even though there are flaws here, it's much much better than such a big city. At here at least I can find peace of mind, there, I really couldn't.

!PIMP (hope this time I have one left lol)

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You earned 20.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 4/4 possible people today.


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